Install EndNote X5

Ask cpo for a link to download the software and license keys.

Follow instructions toward the end of the installation to create an "EndNote web" account (this allows you to share references over the web).

Transfer Your References to EndNote-web

Open your laptop endnote library to transfer references to web (if you have them):

Select EndNote-web as the Source for "Cite While You Write"

Note that if you want to work without the web (e.g. on an airplane) you will have to switch this back to "EndNote" from "EndNote Web". "EndNote Web" is the most useful if you want to use references that others have shared with you. Also note that your endnote-enabled word-processor must be running to change this setting (otherwise it is greyed-out).

Sharing EndNote-web Folders with Others

Enabling "Cite While You Write" Search Using Shared EndNote Web Folders