Participating Members:

Purpose of the meeting:

To discuss progress regarding following the projects. Also to introduce Sadia to the details of the ongoing projects. Sadia will actively manage the projects. Zafar will guide Bilal and Ghulam until project completion. All of them will collaborate to deploy new system at SLAC.

1. Discuss CBG-TULIP Integration

- Bilal gave an introduction to TULIP, CBG and their integration. Read more here:

- Reflex timing issue solved.

- Les wants to stress-test reflex first before starting CBG-TULIP deployment at SLAC.

- Deployment: Our main server setup will be at SLAC. Our secondary server setup will be at NUST SEECS. Each server setup will have two parts/tiers. Tier 2 (back-end) will contain TULIP and reflector and will only run from SLAC. Tier 1 will contain tulip-viz.cgi kit and MatLab CBG code. This will be the web browser/visual interface and one main server (SLAC) and one redundant server (NUST SEECS).

2. PingER Archive Site Progress

Sadia knows how PingER works. Ghulam introduced Archive Site to Sadia. He explained what was the motivation behind the project (modern db architecture, closer to PerfSONAR, quicker and efficient data access, etc).

PingER Archive Site Analysis Report Progress

Ghulam will send us final FYP report, he will update his FYP report to include in changes (PerfSONAR-like schema, various issues faced during implementation of archive site, techniques employed to solve various issues, etc.).

Ghulam will also create an analysis report which will contain details regarding stress-testing the archive site (compute, memory, disk and I/O).

3. IPv6

Ghulam will contact Imran Chaudhry to know how machines can be enabled to communicate using IPv6.