Minutes of SEECS-SLAC Meeting August 24, 2011.


SEECS has an IPV6 Live IP through cybernet. They are currently testing the compatibility issues of Pinger Node/software on it.The mechanism may start as: Take a new host and set it up as IPV6. Then monitor other hosts on IPV6 like ipv6 google etc. Once data is available then work on how to analyze it and use it. Anjum asks, If we have IPV6 and it tries to monitors IPV4, will that work or there will be some problem with that. Les thinks it will work fine. He suggests that we might first put up a separate copy on a host such that it monitors another IPV6 host  and then check how it monitors IPV4. Anjum is going to ask Joun to configure Pinger node on IPV6. Zafar if available, would be helping Joun in this case.

They need a virtual machine for IPV6. This will be done by 10th of September.

SLAC now has an IP project with a project manager just hired. Things may start to happen soon.

Future & Publicity

Pakistani case study - Amber, Anjum

  1. 3 monitoring nodes have been added in the month of August and host count has reached 50 in Pakistan.
  2. HEC is shifting the intercity links on Pern2 (so far intracity links are on Pern 2 while intercity are on PTCL). HEC is expecting to have an analysis on what is the effect on min rtt and other metrics after the links are shifted from PTCL to Pern2. (POP to POP is on PTCL).
  3. Amber keep a track of POP to POP links, additional POP links will be intracity. (intercity POPs and intracity POPs analysis will be carried out for HEC later on). Intercity POP nodes have yet not been added and so unable to carry out the said analysis.

Status of Pakistani PingER hosts

As updated on 8/23/2011.

Responsible person: Joun Muhammad






Pinging by another IP. Data not collected.



Changing IP. Troubleshooting in progress.



Troubleshooting in progress.



Will be up soon. 



Network and Power issue.



OS crashed, concerned person is on leave, will be up after Eid.

PingER Management

Farhan will be leaving on 1st September. Bilal and Ghulam will be hired for the next three months.

PingER traceroute archive site

PingER archive site - FYP (Ghulam, Farhan, Zafar)

Adding MOS and Alpha to pingtable.pl


CBG TULIP Integration -- FYP (Bilal)

Best Line Approach CBG-TULIP (Zafar and Bilal)


PerfSONAR (Pakistan)

Possible projects

Future meeting time - Les

  1. Next meeting will be after Eid. Dr. Anjum will be leading the next meeting on Wednesday 7th September at 8:00 pm in US and Thursday 8th September at 8:00am in Pakistan.