|| Boundary Conditions \\ || SolverMode || Solver || Container ||
| Periodic and Lossy \\ | \* \\ | ESIL (Periodic only allows this) \\ | Arnoldi |
| | \* \\ | ShiftInvertArnoldi | Arnoldi |
| Absorbing and Waveguide | TwoTermSolver (doesn't work?) | \* \\ | NonlinearEigensolver/NEP |
| | QEPSolver | \* \\ | SOAR |
| | GeneralSolver->automatic | \* \\ | Arnoldi |
| | InverseIteration/IIT | \* \\ | NEP (for some reason NonlinearEigensolver is not accepted but then used if NEP is not found) \\ |
| | QEstimation (forces Lossless and probably breaks things) \\ | | |
| | (anything else) \\ | \* \\ | NonlinearEigensolver/NEP |
| Lossless | target, target_deflation, \[QEstimation (commented out) or automatic\] | ESIL, InvertMode, RegularMode, InvertMode2, BSIA, \[Arnoldi or ShiftInvertArnoldi\], InexactLanczos (commented out), JDQRSD (commented out) \\ | Arnoldi |
| \\ | \\ | Hybrid | Hybrid |
| | | BlockInexactLanczos | BlockInexactLanczos |
EigenSolver: {

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }