A place to track projections for hardware going into Building 50 - for power, space and cooling planning purposes.


complete LTDA purchase. Retire old fileservers, using returned thumpers from Fermi.


expect ~400 TB fileservers and 10 standalone linux servers. Presumably to be used for retiring old servers. 


perhaps 1-2 fileservers


The ATLAS Tier 2 projection is that we will spend about $220k on hardware (more if recharge costs are low, less if they are high). In addition, it is a reasonable guess that there will be up to $50k of other ATLAS-related purchases.

According to my rules of thumb, this will translate into at most 90 rack units and 27 kW dissipated.

We should also expect to retire our three oldest Thumpers, and offer to retire our 79 Sun X2200 M2s that are in one of the Black boxes.


- our FY11 CEP for storage should complete soonish with about 1/2 rack (4x4U + servers), power density is modest (~250W/U)
- FY12 is unclear, if we get the requested amounts then we would likely get ~48core/2U machines filling 2/3 rack at higher power
   density (700W/U)
- If DES uses BaBar leftovers, we need to keep those running and buy storage.  Estimated upper limit is 1/2 rack at modest power
   density (~250W/U)
So in summary we need something like 2 racks, one at high power and one and medium/low.  It is possible that something old gets retired
but nothing significant this year.