Table of Contents

Overview and operation

iocConsole EPICS Extension doc: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/cd/soft/epics/extensions/iocConsole/index.html

technical details: iocConsole has several moving parts:

basic commands


To use iocConsole, your IOC must be configured in the system screeniocs file (contact Judy Rock to add your IOC to screeniocs)
When iocConsole starts up a session, it connects to the IOC using info found in the screeniocs file.

screen logging


iocConsole's error messages and conditions are not always 100% clear!  Here are a few situations you may encounter at some point:

Maintenance and monitoring

A nightly cron job running the screenlogd.bash script handles screenlog.0 file cleanup and maintenance of screen logging iocConsole sessions: