How-to Submit a Software Mini-Test Plan

To schedule testing time on the Wednesday software day please send a mini-test plan to the mcc e-log. You can do this by sending email to controls-software-release mailing list as follows:

Please tag your email subject line

"SW Mini-Test Plan: <whatever you're doing>"

The body of the email should include:

  1. a description of the software you are testing
  2. what other systems this will affect
  3. What you require (ie: beam,rf,timing, rate)
  4. if your test is invasive to the beam, or to other applications
  5. how long you need for your test (2hrs)
  6. CVS Tagged version to be released
  7. CVS Tagged version before loding you're new software
  8. ioc booted
  9. Other applications updated such as ChannelWatcher files, archive files, ALH (j.rock) on lclshome,etc.
  10. a test plan..the steps you intend to take in testing testing your release to ensure that it works.

If you have changed any parameters of the system, return those system parameters to the state that you found them in, and let the program deputy know that you are finished with your test. If you need assistance returning the system to its original state, please ask the program deputy for assistance. This assumes that you have notified the program deputy, prior to your test so that system parameters have been saved before you started your test.

After you finish testing. Find you mcc-elog entry and select "FOLLOW UP" link, to enter the results of your test.
Enter the following information:

  1. the status of your test
  2. include the state you left the system if this is pertinent.
  3. if you have released software please list the cvs tagged version of the software and the previously booted version (good) to be used to backout software.
  4. List instructions regarding how to back-out your new release.
  5. Provide your contact information in case of questions or problems.

Your mini-test plan should be submitted by Tuesday noon. Please note that your test/release must be APPROVED, which means that it MUST be listed on the
LCLS Commissioning Software Day. If your test will not take place during the Software Test Day, OPS (eoic) and Program Deputy must be informed and your mini-test place submitted to the mcc-elog.

Before starting your test you MUST:

  1. have your test plan submitted to the mcc-elog
  2. check with OPS (eoic) and the Program Deputy, or Controls Deputy
  3. perform your test from the control room unless you are
    1. required to be in the field
    2. you obtain pre-approval from Ernest and OPS, or Controls Deputy.
  4. After completing your test, follow-up your initial mini-test plan in the mcc-elog.