• SLD data preservation
    • VMS machine – all minidst, all software, sitting in computer center
      • Problems of long term storage
  • Observation
    • Problem with Jazelle format for long-term data preservation
      • No documentation on IO format
      • Objects can only be read with (single) Fortran program
      • 2000 line Java program to document low-level format
    • Virtualization/Cloud to the rescue?
  • Lessons learned
    • Data format should be portable, simple to read
      • Comparison with other fields
        • FITS
          • Ample low level documentation on data format
          • Many implementations available
        • HDF5
          • Ample low level documentation on data format
          • Many implementations available
        • LCIO
            • Documentation on low level format
            • Several implementations available
        • ROOT
          • No documentation available
          • Single program, tight coupling to C++
  • Conclusion
    • For root to be viable option for long-term data storage detailed documentation needs to be generated on low level IO format – either by ROOT team, or as part of work of long-term storage working group. At alternative implementation of a reader for ROOT IO at least at the proof of principle level would be useful.
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