** QC procedures testing document **
Module reception area setup
Connections to PS:
Module status
Software and firmware setup
Links to bookmark
Link to preproduction modules db: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MWozp8znMAdzm4f0tFKG7U7tsyD7XHPK-zKgNblGkD8/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Link to delamination studies tracker : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o1WR6r7RieKExzhMr26U1-tVXZvyfI8jYoMipTV0PaU/edit?gid=0#gid=0
YARR instruction
Version: documentation:
YARR software v1.5.2 and firmware version 1.4.0 released for 1.28 GHz readout
YARR document: https://yarr.web.cern.ch/yarr/install/
- if the yarr PC updated, it might change the driver. In that case you need to reinstall the driver
QC tools
Module QC database tools: v2.4.3 : https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-itk/pixel/module/module-qc-database-tools/-/tree/main?ref_type=heads
- Usage:
source itkdb/bin/activate
- to get module config:
- mqdbt generate-yarr-config --sn module-SN -ch src/module_qc_database_tools/data/YARR/chip_template.json -o OUTPUT_DIR
--use-current-stage -l L0 --accessCode1 slac --accessCode2 ItkTestBox
- mqdbt generate-yarr-config --sn module-SN -ch src/module_qc_database_tools/data/YARR/chip_template.json -o OUTPUT_DIR
Module QC measurement tools: v2.2.7: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-itk/pixel/module/module-qc-tools/-/tree/v2.2.0?ref_type=tags
- Usage: source qctool/bin/activate
Module QC analysis tools: v2.2.8 https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-itk/pixel/module/module-qc-analysis-tools
LocalDB: v2.2.7:
- documentation: https://localdb-docs.readthedocs.io/en/master/qcflow/flow/
- (installed here: http://atlascr:8081/localdb/)
- net:
yarrReception@ : slac
canary board: http://atlascr.slac.stanford.edu:3000/d/8XA-Shc7k/canary-boards?orgId=1&refresh=10s
ANL box monitoring:
Automated snippet v2.2
Box pi code: https://github.com/Y0ungst3r/imagin
Monitoring of the temperature modules and interlock status is found on the three pi's. The rasberry pi computers can be remotely accessed at the following three locations
- dcs-lin-trp-1
- dcs-ring-trp-1
- dcs-pi-mod-03 (Note this one is for the quads)
When running you can the montoring at: http://atlascr.slac.stanford.edu:3000/d/31eiHlhSz/module_reception?orgId=1&from=now-5m&to=now
Changed interlock to work with dewpoint instead of RH need to validate that this is okay.
Testing Procedure
- Checking the condition of the shipping and fill
- Visual inspection [take off the plastic cover for the module to have a clear photo]
- 1 overview photo and photos for each chip
- Start dcs interlock Pi
- ssh pi@dcs-...
- cd ~/imagin
- python runAllInterlocks.py
- Start 19v power to Pi
- Check that dummy light turns on.
- Start grafana
- Turn Air
- Load module and connect power and data lines
- For triplets turn on vacuum switch on front face of box.
- Turn on vacuum (the vacuum might have a problem when the sealing is bad between tube and the vacuum chuck)
- two thing you can do is to change the sealing
- change the requirement of the sealing (vacuum require) in the book)
- Close box and check that dew point is lowering.
- turn on the chiller
- turn on the peltier (2.5V 1.2A)
- power the module:
- I: 5.5A V:~2V
- IV scan: use module-qc-tool
- Electrical Test:
- run data transmission check first:
- /bin/eyeDiagram -r configs/controller/specCfg-rd53b-4x4.json -c <connectivity_file>
- scan_all.py to run all the electrical test
- need to change the module and testing date
- run data transmission check first:
SLDO test:
For SLDO setup: Manual
- downloading config from database:
- source /home/atlas/QCTool/itkdb/bin/activate
- cd /home/atlas/QCTool/module-qc-database-tools
- mqdbt generate-yarr-config --sn module-SN -ch src/module_qc_database_tools/data/YARR/chip_template.json -o OUTPUT_DIR
--use-current-stage -l L0 --accessCode1 slac --accessCode2 ItkTestBox
- Turn on power (current 5.55A)
- Check analog read back and SLDO test:
- source /home/atlas/QCTool/module-qc-tools/venv/bin/activate
- cd /home/atlas/QCTool/module-bc-tools
- To do analog readback:
mqt measurement analog-readback -c /home/atlas/QCTool/module-qc-tools/src/module_qc_tools/data/configs/Slac_separate_vmux.json -m ../../YARR/Yarr_v1.5.2/configs/L0_local/20UPIMS2102141/20UPIMS2102141_L0_warm.json --site SLAC -v DEBUG
- in another terminal:
- source /home/atlas/QCTool/qctool/bin/activate
cd /home/atlas/QCTool/module-qc-analysis-tools/
mqat analysis analog-readback -i /home/atlas/YARR/Yarr_v1.5.2/configs/L0_Configuration_Files/20UPIMS2102141/Measurements/ANALOG_READBACK/2024-10-17_165154 -o 20UPIMS2102141_SLDO -q ./src/module_qc_analysis_tools/data/analysis_cuts.json -l L0 --site SLAC -f numpy -v DEBUG
- Check if the trim for VDDA and VDDD is the same as in config (SldoTrimA and SldoTrimD), if not the same update the trim
- To do sldo readback:
- mqt measurement sldo -c /home/atlas/QCTool/module-qc-tools/src/module_qc_tools/data/configs/Slac_separate_vmux.json -m ../../YARR/Yarr_v1.5.2/configs/L0_local/20UPIMS2102141/20UPIMS2102141_L0_warm.json --site SLAC -v DEBUG
- in another terminal:
- source /home/atlas/QCTool/qctool/bin/activate
cd /home/atlas/QCTool/module-qc-analysis-tools/
mqat analysis sldo -i /home/atlas/YARR/Yarr/configs/L0_Configuration_Files/20UPIMS2102141/Measurements/SLDO/2024-10-15_154943 -o 20UPIMS2102141_SLDO -q ./src/module_qc_analysis_tools/data/analysis_cuts.json -l L0 --site SLAC -f numpy -v DEBUG
[LDB] IP address : (current:
[LDB] port : 27017 (current: 27017)