MEC is the only hutch that does not have the templated pvNotepad under the /reg/g/pcds/epics/ioc/mec/ production area. Rather the untemplated notepad is found there, which is also unique to MEC.

All of following IOCs will be combined and placed under production in ioc/mec/pvNotepad:

  • ioc: ioc-mec-pvnotepad
  • template: R2.1.0
  • host: ioc-mec-rec01
  • os: RHEL7


ioc-mec-notepad is a non-templated build from MIke Browne:

  • IOC:MEC:NOTEPAD:*. Generic housekeeping information.
  • MEC:NOTE:DOUBLE:*. Generic double precision floats (01-60 on User PV EDM screen; 61-69 on User SCAN PV screen)
  • MEC:NOTE:LAS:* Lasers
  • MEC:NOTE:LONG:* Generic long integers (01-40 on  User PV EDM screen)
  • MEC:NOTE:M3H:*
  • MEC:NOTE:MXI:*. Virtual Z-motor.
  • MEC:NOTE:VIS:*. VISAR cameras 1 and 2.
  • MEC:NOTE:WFD:*. Generic waveforms.

The four templated IOCs have been merged into ioc-mec-pvnotepad:

  • test build: /cds/home/p/peregrin/modules/mec/pvNotepad/current
  • deleted ioc-mec-userPV (nrw) and ioc-mec-scanVars (tjohnson)
  • deleted ioc-mec-las-notepad (sfsyunus) and ioc-mec-las-arr-notepad (sfsyunus)

Original Set-up:

iochost OSversiontemplateowner
ioc-mec-notepadioc-mec-misc01 RHEL5epics/ioc/mec/notepad/R1.2.1 (mcbrowne)Not templatedmcbrowne
ioc-mec-scanVarsioc-mec-misc01 RHEL5~tjohnson/trunk/mec/pvNotepadR2.0.1tjohnson
ioc-mec-userPVioc-mec-rec01 RHEL7epics-dev/nrw/iocs/pvNotepad/currentR2.0.3nrw
ioc-mec-las-notepadioc-mec-lpl01 RHEL5epics-dev/sfsyunus/mec/pvNotepad/currentR2.0.1sfsyunus
ioc-mec-las-arr-notepadipc-mec-lpl01 RHEL5epics-dev/sfsyunus/mec/pvNotepad/currentR2.0.2sfsyunus
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