
Important notes:

  • you must run the commands on a machine that has access to the data (typically "ssh psana" or "ssh psffb")
  • wait until the data has been transferred to that machine (e.g. "ls -rtl /cds/data/psdm/tmo/tmolv1720/xtc")
  • you must have a valid kerberos ticket (use "kinit" to get one that lasts for 24 hours, or "klist" to view the status
  • you must be a member of the experiment (or in a hutch-scientist group like ps-tmo or ps-data) in order to have permissions to write to the database (use command "id <username>" to see your memberships or "getent group <groupname>" to see all members of "groupname")
  • if you're running on the FFB (Fast Feedback System) nodes you have to specify the location of the xtc files by adding the flag "-x /cds/data/drpsrcf/tmo/tmolv1720/xtc/"

Calculate pedestals for panels in detector (does not deploy!):

  • epix10ka_pedestals_calibration -e ueddaq02 -d epixquad -r93 -L INFO

Deploy pedestals to database using above panel values:

  • epix10ka_deploy_constants -e ueddaq02 -d epixquad -r93 -D -L INFO

Here is an example of using a wrapper script to manage a faster) parallel version of epix10ka_pedestals_calibration:

parallel_proc --cmd "epix10ka_pedestals_calibration -e uedcom103 -d epixquad -r 6 -x /cds/data/drpsrcf/ued/uedcom103/xtc/" --opt stepnum --vals 0,1,2,3,4
(ps-4.5.10) psbuild-rhel7-01$ parallel_proc -h
  parallel_proc --cmd <"command"> --opt <optional-paraneter> --vals <parameter-values> [<other-kwargs>]
  parallel_proc --cmd "epix10ka_pedestals_calibration -e ueddaq02 -d epixquad -r 422" --opt stepnum --vals 0,1,2,3,4

usage: parallel_proc [-h] [--cmd CMD] [--opt OPT] [--vals VALS]
                     [--logpref LOGPREF] [--dtsec DTSEC] [--nchk NCHK]

Split job for subprocesses using one of the command line optional parameters

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --cmd CMD          command prefix for subprocesses, default =
                     epix10ka_pedestals_calibration -e ueddaq02 -d epixquad -r
                     422 -o ./work
  --opt OPT          option name to subprocess, default = stepnum
  --vals VALS        comma separated option values to subprocess, default =
  --logpref LOGPREF  log name prefix, default = ./log
  --dtsec DTSEC      time interval (sec) to check if job is done, default = 5
  --nchk NCHK        number of checks if job is done until forced exit from
                     this app, default = 100

Setting Gain Maps

Matt has an example script for setting pixel gain maps here:

Matt writes:  The user enters a rectangular ROI, the gain map is written to the configdb, and a picture shows what they set.

  • No labels