ROOT DST Maker Instructions

Installing the DST Maker

You can follow the instructions at Installing the DST Tools to install the tools locally.

Generating DST Files from LCIO

Generating DST's from reconstructed LCIO files can be done by issuing the following command from a terminal: 

dst_maker LCIO_INPUT_FILE [additional input files] -o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.root

This command will generate a DST with all GBL collections empty.  In order to run the GBL fitter and generate the GBL collections, the following command can be issued from a terminal:

dst_maker LCIO_INPUT_FILE [additional input files] -o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.root -g -b B_FIELD

Note that when enabling the GBL collections, the magnetic field strength needs to be passed as a parameter to the DST maker.  


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