
  1. Ecal Monitoring                                        -- Andrea
  2. Data Catalog                                            -- Gagik
  3. Software Roundtable                               -- All
  4. Questions?                                               -- All


Andrea gave a nice overview of the work that has been done on the Ecal Monitoring, with a live demo of the system. We decided that this task could be closed, with a new task created for some updates and improvements to the system. Concerns were voiced whether on the one hand there are too many histograms and on the other hand if all needed histograms are there. The ECAL group will discuss this further.

Gagik presented a system that he authored for the CLAS6 Data Mining initiative, see slides. The system allows for distributed storage of data and tags to allow users to find data. It seems a solid system, however it would need significant adaption to be useful to HPS data processing. The system is more intended for mature, already processed, data which is now undergoing additional analysis, which was exactly its purpose.


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