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- Define how multipacting processing automation should work
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
| - Change decarad sample rate?
- Variable based on quench event?
| - Immediate quenching hard to detect
- Also hard to detect as a human
- At what point do we give up?
- multipacting vs hard quench
- define minimum amount of time necessary
- say that if cavity on time not increasing after n times, declare hard quench
| - Define AMAX
- how high do we go?
- 21 not usable for beam, but would give confidence at 18/19
- We'll have to raise multiple limits
- We should comb through ADES limits during downtime to sanity check that they make sense
- Should make sure to set RF limit back before handing back to ops
| - Should we change couplers during the downtime?
Nice to haves | - Quench Event
- Starting point is when RF started, end point is when interlock trips
- Define radiation data buffer size (store +/- around interlock trip)
- Exposed (maybe? expert?)
- Want to expose parameters that are likely to change after first few cavities
- Figure out how to pull up old quench waveforms
What to display | - RF signals
- Radiation signals
- live plot of time between quenches
- Cryo signals
- Toggle auto reset on/off
- RF controls
- Abort button
- starting amplitude, ending amplitude
| - step up 0.2MV after 30 seconds
| - Full success, 30min-1hr-something at 21 MV
- suspected hard quench below 21 MV
- multipacting that couldn't be processed
- time between quenches not increasing and seeing hallmark radiation spikes
- FE onset
- this should trigger a new full amplitude range vs radiation plot, either manual or automated
| - How to characterize when FE is a problem
- mini FE plot when think we detect something?
Action items