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Dark processing command: det_dark_proc -e tmoc00318 -d epix100 -r 10 -D

Common-mode correction (optional, off by default): Common mode correction algorithms for LCLS2 detectors

Monitoring Stream

Runs on drp-neh-cmp014.  Start up an EDM window on any DRP node (currently recommended node: drp-srcf-cmp024):  


Currently only updates when DAQ is triggering.

Timing Scan

tmoc00318 run 38. Suggests optimal timing around 40000ns:

This required setting acqToAsicR0Delay to zero as shown in this diagram from Conny Hansson:


700keV photons in tmoc00120 run 79.  Seem to see 2 and 3 photon peaks:

from psana import DataSource
from psana import container
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math

sigroi = np.s_[295:312,491:615]

def dump(obj, attrlist):
    allattrs = dir(obj)
    usefulattrs=[attr for attr in allattrs if (not attr.startswith('_') and attr !
= 'help')]
    for attr in usefulattrs:
        val = getattr(obj, attr)
        if type(val) in [int, float, np.ndarray, str]:
            print('.'.join(attrlist)+':', val)
        elif type(val) is container.Container:
            dump(val, attrlist)

ds = DataSource(exp='tmoc00318',run=38)
myrun = next(ds.runs())
det = myrun.Detector('epix100')
step_value = myrun.Detector('step_value')
step_docstring = myrun.Detector('step_docstring')
cfg = det.raw._seg_configs()[0]
start_ns = []
intensity = []
intensity_err = []
for step in myrun.steps():
    #dump(cfg, attrlist)
    mysum = []
    for nevt,evt in enumerate(
plt.ylabel('ROI Intensity Sum (keV)')

Power Instructions

From Kaz:

Miscellaneous Tips

  • Because of it's low start_ns value, the epix100 must run in a separate readout group with a lower XPM L0Delay setting (currently 10)
  • Since it is in a non-default readout group (currently 4 in TMO) remember to reset that value (in the Allocate window) when you remove it from the partition and then add it back later.  If you don't you will get an error from the epix100 on Configure.
  • No labels