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Initial Discussion

- give the drp a psana-python script
- drive that psana-python script by calling psana_set_dgram(Dgram*) (would replace the file reading)

ds = DataSource(dgramDsource=True)
myrun = next(ds.runs())
for event in

xtcreader C++ calls: psana_set_dgram(Dgram*) (goes into


- multiprocess drp (not multithreaded) (Valerio), talk with Elliott (like legion)
  o have standalone multi-threaded or multi-process C++ code run python scripts
- (Mona) use xtcreader to represent one of those processes for development
modified to call a python script, perhaps like:
- xtcreader C++ calls psana-python script
  o it make a new DataSource (DgramDataSource?)
  o as drp C++ receives a new dgram, it passes it to the DgramDataSource (instead of reading from file)

ds = DataSource(dgramDsource=True)

C++ call: psana_set_dgram(Dgram*) (would replace the file reading)

the above Dgram is passed (somehow) to psana/src/ (does
file-reading) who creates the python "Dgram"

maybe use the "buffer"/view interface?

two options:
(1) shmem we copy every dgram so that the python reference counting works in a standard way. could do the same thing here. decouples the psana-memory-management from drp-memory-management
(2) we don't copy the dgram, more efficient but we can't delete the dgram in a normal way, and we can't save information from old events

my inclination is to do (1)

A potential issue: (lower priority) this method of running psana (and shmem) do not have scalable ways of loading the calibration constants: each core will access the database.  Ideally we would fix.

Second Discussion

Oct 14, 2021 with Mikhail, Mona, Valerio

Executive Summary: now prefer option 1 below, which feels like the simplest, although not highest performance.

Current picture:

kcu1500 -> PGPReader -> N*Worker -> Ric's TEB -> Collector
                                    ^^^^^^^^^-- on another node

Ideally, replace Worker threads with Worker processes
BUT, RIC's (complicated) infiniband stuff is all multithreaded

Option 1: (the original idea discussed above)

One process for C++ and python: Mona calls Py_CallScript("")
which returns when it hits iterator iterator is awoken with

- only 1 process
- no new DRP

- weird

Option 2:

Python is low performance.  Maybe replace all of it with multiprocess zmq?

- two independent DRP's to maintain
- rewrite Ric's TEB/MEB, easier with ZMQ
  o ZMQ has some uncontrollable aspects (e.g. hidden threads)
- also have to rewrite the shmem server
- a lot of work

- looks more like shmem
- standard multiprocess python

Option 3:

kcu1500 -> PGPReader -> N*Worker -> Ric's TEB -> Collector
                                    ^^^^^^^^^-- on another node

each Worker has a bidirectional pipe to a separate psana process
(behaves like shmem again) where dgrams go back-and-forth: psana is
given a "raw" dgram, psana returns a "fex" dgram, e.g. with list-of-photons

Worker <---> psana

Could use zmq? or something similar.

- only have to support 1 DRP

- 2 processes with communication (also have that in option 2)

work to be done:

- valerio: drp communicate with multiple python processes
- mona:
  o routines to modify dgrams from python
    - look at dgramCreate.pyx
      also the test
      goal: receive the raw-dgram, and return a fex-dgram with the raw
      data removed (almost always) and put in fex data.
  o think about calib-fetch scaling (lower-priority)
    - ideally independent of mpi. zmq approach? how do we
      determine "supervisor"?

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