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Based on e-mail exchange between Mikhail, Gabriel, Jack, Faisal, Philip.


Pictures from Gabriel's presentation

Configuration objects for epix10ka

Python psana has currently defined a few configuration objects for epix10ka:

  co.acqToAsicR0Delay                 co.asicMask                         co.calibPixelConfigArray            co.numberOfCalibrationRows          co.scopeEnable                       
  co.adcClkHalfT                      co.asicPixelConfigArray             co.calibrationRowCountPerASIC       co.numberOfColumns                  co.scopeTraceLength                  
  co.adcPipelineDelay                 co.asicPpbe                         co.carrierId0                       co.numberOfEnvironmentalRows        co.scopeTrigChan                     
  co.adcPipelineDelay0                co.asicPpbeControl                  co.carrierId1                       co.numberOfPixelsPerAsicRow         co.scopeTrigEdge                     
  co.adcPipelineDelay1                co.asicPpmat                        co.dacSetting                       co.numberOfReadableRows             co.scopeTrigHoldoff                  
  co.adcPipelineDelay2                co.asicPpmatControl                 co.digitalCardId0                   co.numberOfReadableRowsPerAsic      co.scopeTrigOffset                  
  co.adcPipelineDelay3                co.asicPPmatToReadout               co.digitalCardId1                   co.numberOfRows                     co.SyncDelay                        
  co.adcReadsPerPixel                 co.asicR0                           co.enableAutomaticRunTrigger        co.numberOfRowsPerAsic              co.SyncMode                         
  co.adcStreamMode                    co.asicR0ClkControl                 co.environmentalRowCountPerASIC     co.prepulseR0Delay                  co.SyncWidth                        
  co.analogCardId0                    co.asicR0Control                    co.epixRunTrigDelay                 co.prepulseR0En                     co.testPatternEnable                
  co.analogCardId1                    co.asicR0ToAsicAcq                  co.evrDaqCode                       co.prepulseR0Width                  co.TypeId                           
  co.asicAcq                          co.asicR0Width                      co.evrRunCode                       co.R0Mode                           co.usePgpEvr                        
  co.asicAcqControl                   co.asicRoClk                        co.evrRunTrigDelay                  co.scopeADCsameplesToSkip           co.Version                          
  co.asicAcqLToPPmatL                 co.asicRoClkHalfT                   co.numberOf125MhzTicksPerRunTrigger co.scopeADCThreshold                co.version                          
  co.asicAcqWidth                     co.asics                            co.numberOfAsics                    co.scopeArmMode                                                         
  co.asicGR                           co.asics_shape                      co.numberOfAsicsPerColumn           co.scopeChanAwaveformSelect                                             
  co.asicGRControl                    co.baseClockFrequency               co.numberOfAsicsPerRow              co.scopeChanBwaveformSelect        
psana.Epix.Asic10kaConfigV1 as co.asic
            asic.atest              asic.FELmode            asic.RO_rst_en          asic.S2D_tcomp           
            asic.chipID             asic.Filter_DAC         asic.RowStart           asic.Sab_test            
            asic.ColumnStart        asic.Hrtest             asic.RowStop            asic.SLVDSbit            
            asic.ColumnStop         asic.is_en              asic.S2D                        
            asic.CompEn_lowBit      asic.Monost             asic.S2D0_DAC           asic.test                
            asic.CompEn_topTwoBits  asic.Monost_Pulser      asic.S2D0_GR            asic.testBE             
            asic.CompEnOn           asic.OCB                asic.S2D0_tcDAC         asic.testLVDTransmitter 
            asic.CompTH_DAC         asic.Pbit               asic.S2D1_DAC           asic.TPS_DAC            
            asic.DelCCKreg          asic.PixelCB            asic.S2D1_GR            asic.TPS_GR             
            asic.DelEXEC            asic.pixelDummy         asic.S2D1_tcDAC         asic.TPS_MUX            
            asic.DM1                asic.PP_OCB_S2D         asic.S2D2_DAC           asic.TPS_tcDAC          
            asic.DM1en              asic.Preamp             asic.S2D2_GR            asic.TPS_tcomp          
            asic.DM2                asic.Pulser             asic.S2D2_tcDAC         asic.trbit              
            asic.DM2en              asic.Pulser_DAC         asic.S2D3_DAC           asic.Vld1_b             
            asic.emph_bc            asic.PulserR            asic.S2D3_GR            asic.VREF_DAC           
            asic.emph_bd            asic.PulserSync         asic.S2D3_tcDAC         asic.VrefLow            
            asic.fastPP_enable      asic.RO_Monost          asic.S2D_DAC_Bias 

Gain coding

Data gain bits assignment

2018-02-23 Gabriel:

Each pixel value is represented over 16 bits; the lowest 14 bits (0 to 13) encode the 14-bit ADC value, and bit 14 encodes the gain mode as either High (bit14==1) or Medium/Low (bit14==0). The choice between Medium and Low is determined globally for the ASIC by the asic.trbit.

Gain modes (Fixed High/Medium, Fixed Low, Auto High/Medium to Low, Forced High/Medium to Low, Masked) are determined per pixel; this information is required for reconstruction and is presumably saved in the metadata (the various modes have somewhat different pedestals, for example).
In practice the whole pixel matrix is most likely to be programmed with the same pattern, i.e., gain mode. While we had a philosophical discussion on using bit 15 for providing more info, due to the asynchronous way the pixel configuration mask is programmed, there is a lot of potential for confusion, so now bit 15 is not used.

2018-02-26 Faisal:

1)      Just to elaborate a bit more, trbit is not part of the pixel config. It is part of the ASIC config just like atest, CompEn, etc. Your statement is correct it is defined per ASIC not camera.
2)      Configuration array can also be found under psana.Epix.Config10kaV1 …. asicPixelConfigArray. Please see
Bit coding is as follows: MSB to LSB

Pixel Mask

ga     g     M     T
x      x     1     x     pixel is masked
x      x     0     1     pixel is under test
0      0     x     x     auto switch
0      1     x     x     force switch
1      0     x     x     low gain (fixed)
1      1     x     x     high gain (fixed)
For example
0x0 for all pixel is auto switch. If tr=1, then auto switch high to low, if tr=0 then auto switch medium to low. Please note trbit is not part of the pixel config.
0xC is fixed high gain if tr=1, fixed medium if tr=0.
0x8 is fixed low gain. tr=1. tr=0 is not to be used here.
If you want to mask a pixel AND it with 0x2
If you want to test a pixel e.g. run the internal pusler then AND its config with 0x1.

Calibration rows

Each ASIC has (176+2 rows x 192 columns), the last two rows are the calibration rows. These rows are not connected to the sensor and are constructed without a pixel/sensor interface. They will be powered just like any other pixel in the ASIC, therefore, they see similar voltages, noise, etc just like other pixels.

# psana returns 4 rows: r0, r1, r2, r3


# A2 | A1 #
# A3 | A0 #
# r0 is row 176 in ASIC0 and ASIC3
# r1 is row 176 in ASIC1 and ASIC2
# r2 is row 177 (last) in ASIC0 and ASIC3
# r3 is row 177 (last) in ASIC1 and ASIC2
# when pixel (ga,g ,M,T) is xx0x then 176 is baseline and 177 is pixel max
# when pxiel (ga,g ,M,T) is xx1x then 176 is pixel max and 177 is baseline

Calibration files for dark

2018-02-28 Philip:
"force switch" mode: the camera starts high then goes low - this simulates switching.
This mode should be used for calibration of pedestals for switched mode.

I think by the way that we need to have two pedestal files in standard running:
H/M (dark)
H/M->L (forced)
In the case where we run the array in H/M/L without auto-ranging, we can
just populate the relevant pedestals.

2018-02-28 Angelo:
The force switch mode should be ignored. It is a debugging mode that should not be used for calibration.
Gabriel can explain how to do the calibration if needed.

Raw data

{epix10ka data available on 2018-07-05
    # mfxx32516: nruns 3-377, MfxEndstation.0:Epix10ka.0, MfxEndstation.0:Epix10ka.1
    # mfxx36916: runs 1-84,  MfxEndstation.0:Epix10ka.1

dataset    exp=mfxx32516:run=377
calibDir: /reg/d/psdm/MFX/mfxx32516/calib
det.source      : Source("MfxEndstation.0:Epix10ka.0")
shape of ndarray: (352, 384)

Gain correction files

On 2018-06-20 Gabriel generated gain and offset files in

gain correction files

Archived in


Gain and offset Mean and RMS
          Gain             Offset
          Mean   RMS       Mean   RMS
FL-L      1.28   0.06         0     ?
FM-M     42.43   2.00      2331   150
FH-H    128.49   6.17      2354   151
AML-L     1.26   0.06      2115   164
AML-M    42.52   1.92      2334   150
AHL-L     1.29   0.06      2119   190
AHL-H   128.72   6.03      2358   151

Control bits table

IndexGain modetrbitbit14bit3: gabit2: gbit1: Maskbit0: Test


pixel control bit array1<<5 =321<<4 =161<<3 =81<<2 =4Not usedNot used

Gain correction formula

corrected = (raw - offset)/gain


  • per event make <uint8 control bit array>
  • convert to <array of indexes> using <control bits table>
  • generate <array of gains> and <array of offsets>
  • apply correction using formula

Constants production

Detector/examples/ - generates files ./epix10k-gain(offset).txt(npy) for single segment shape (7, 1, 352, 384)


Deployed with calibman as







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