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  • monitoring EB design iteration
  • gasnet
  • python analysis-chain mockup

Monitoring event-builder requirements

  • user-defined selectable events with static criteria
  • could request either full-events or partial
  • maybe we want dynamic criteria so we can say give me IPM > 0.7
  • note: there is commonality between trigger storage decisions and monitoring distribution decisions

Display requirements

  • dynamic filtering on a value (e.g. IPM) maybe implemented as additional dimension

User Interface requirements

  • programmatic interface
  • click interface (x vs. y)
  • do we need a box-drag interface?  not clear: maybe to edit analysis, persist analysis.   but maybe can push some of this power into the plot.

Chains of analyses requirements

  • Use separate processes for 1  event in a reddis-like decentralized environment?
  • support an arbitrary loopless graph of analysis
  • support for reading/writing EPICS variables in real-time (having analysis/daq/controls be in the same python environment is necessary for this). would help with feedback
  • maybe could replace hutch python to control DAQ with this? (scans)
  • 1 event 1 core
  • scientists only write algorithm boxes
  • two levels: "box" level, and then the "scheduler"
  • how do we pass meta-data through the tree?  (e.g. for two ROIs in a row, the second one needs to know about the first one)
  • policy for type-checking and shape-checking?
  • each analysis box could have optional "output box" for distribution of results


  • display makes requests to clients? both algorithm/parameter changes and gather messages
  • different rates for different gather requests?
  • how do you guarantee consistency with changing calculations e.g. ROI?

Reduce/Gather Design Ideas

  • specify what to send, when to send (upstream)
  • what to accept what to do with it
  • send on timer or event-count
  • reduce-last-hundred-events will be fuzzy (alternative is to constrain the way daq hands out events to cores)

Plot "Boxes" Ideas

  • keep them separate from the graphs
  • many output boxes (plot, save to disk, etc.)
  • three big ideas: management, graph, output
  • could be epics

Reconfiguration of Graph

  • reconfigure everything downstream of the box that gets changed
  • boxes like a "deque" box will clear their deque's.
  • boxes could have a variety of more complex reconfigures that have fewer side-effects (e.g. not clear the deques in some circumstances)

Possible Graph Backward Loops

  • This is the case where a background is computed by a post-reduce box and fed to an upstream box
  • We think we can avoid backward loops in this case by having one chain of post-gather boxes feed upstream boxes


  • Feel like it should be split out of the DAQ timestamped data
  • recorded separately to hdf5 and handled by offline event builder
  • for shmem another process would put epics in some separate buffer (like "epicsStore") for use by AMI
  • could be used to send ami data elsewhere (from output boxes)

Data Interface

  • boxes accept "datagrams" as input/output
  • datagrams contain: evt ids (plural, must be >0), ami-graph-config number, metadata dictionary which has serializable python objects, data dictionary of numpy arrays

IOC Recorders

  • hope these don't need to be processed by AMI, unless DAQ manages to bring them into the hutch-DAQ via "PGP broadcast"
  • if they produce files like current system, AMI would handle them with psana offline event builder
  • as alternative to PGP, online event-builder could grab well-timestamped epics data for us in AMI

DAQ/DRP Reconfig

  • we will assume the DAQ/DRP reconfigs look identical to us
  • DRP reconfigs can be generated from AMI
  • we think DAQ/DRP reconfigs don't interfere with AMI-analysis-graph reconfigs

Display Images at Low Rate

  • no "requests" to graph from display clients
  • use "reduce" boxes

Monitoring of AMI Performance/Health

  • stats sent when data flowing
  • isAlive-health monitored with procserv like process
  • ideally could trigger a python-strace when stuck
  • stats do not flow through the data graph:  separate path (a separate stats piece of the graph?)

DAQ Transitions

  • Try to eliminate transitions in the DAQ
  • instead use "base-configuration" for a run, and time-ranges-of-validity for configuration changes (scans)
  • online and offline event-builders will event-build the configuration changes accordingly

Output Boxes:

  • could be EPICS? (and others)
  • slow data (e.g. slowly changing background) can be posted back to earlier parts in the graph in a slow "database" fashion

Posting Data to Other Calculations

  • All data can be posted
  • Slow data (e.g. slowly changing background) can be posted back to earlier parts of the graph


  • Each box output gets a "name" that users can use to access it for further computation
  • bigger boxes encompassing more steps mean fewer names


  • could be useful for assembling AMI windows
  • AMI is made up of relatively few "building block" windows
  • could also be useful for standard-config

To Discuss

  • changing data as run goes on (e.g. DRP pre scaled uncompressed events)


  • scaling
  • ami "calculator"
  • pyqtgraph graphical operations:
    • "box" gui
    • "point and click" gui (how much goes in here)

Packages to Consider





send mail to k. weger
matplotlib builtin
no obvious c/c++ code
necessary to visualize the workflow
can we group operations into a hierarchy
only qt4 python2 (no python 3)



looks interesting.  will talk to LBL developers.



looks interesting

recommended as possibility by Tassone/Lenson

data transport used by software like legion

support infiniband
clemens: going slowly, recommends pyqtgraph
more for rendering with opengl
replacement for pyqtgraph
user-interface generation. unlikely, but maybe...
c++, rendering, doesn't look too fancy

interactivity with 2D visualization not so good?

browser based


written in java

written in java

3D visualization? Not so useful
workflow (hierarchical batch job) management in python
language-independent structured data. doesn't feel too useful.
epicsv4 structured channels:
more wire-protocol stuff
closed source
closed source
software to make nice dashboards


nano-surveyor (from camera people)

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