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Intercept batch node for interactive session

bsub -Is -q psnehprioq /bin/tcsh

Regular job submission to batch

bsub -q psfehq -o log-r169.log psana -c psana-config.cfg exp=cxif5315:run=169
bsub -q psfehq -o log-r169.log python

List of batch jobs

bjobs -u dubrovin
bjobs -uall -q psfehhiprioq 

Status of hosts in the batch farm

List of LCLS farms: psnehfarm psfehfarm psanafarm

bhosts psnehfarm psfehfarm psanafarm
bhosts | grep ps

Status of batch queues

list of LCLS queues:  psnehhiprioq psfehhiprioq psnehprioq psfehprioq psanaq psnehq psfehq

bqueues              - list all batch queuse
bqueues | grep ps
bqueues psnehhiprioq psfehhiprioq psnehprioq psfehprioq psanaq psnehq psfehq

List of batch hosts

lshost - listing of all batch machines along with their resources

lshosts | grep ps

Other commands

bqueues                     - Summary status of entire batch system organized by queues.
bqueues -l long - Detailed summary status of the 'long' queue.
lshosts         - Very long listing of all batch machines along with their resources.
bmod                            - Change the queue for a submitted job.
bhist                          - Get history information for completed jobs.
lsinfo                       - List all 'resources' defined in batch system.
busers                       - Summary of my batch activity.



Re-direct output in file

All POSIX operating systems have 3 streams: stdin, stdout, and stderr.

stdout is the primary output, which is redirected with >, >>, or |.

command >   file.txt
command >>  file.txt  # to append
command >&  file.txt # re-direct stdout and stderr
command 1>& file.txt # 1-stdout
command 2>& file.txt # 2-stderr
command 2> /dev/null # silence error


Make movie from images

convert _tmp*.png _tmp.gif

#or in python
os.system("convert _tmp*.png _tmp.gif")


Grab and save part of the screen in file


To grab portion of the screen imagemagic command import  can be used:

import -trim -frame -border file.jpeg

Works for *.jpeg, *.ppm

Resource limits can be seen by command

identify -list resource







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