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Package PSCalib

Package PSCalib provides an access to the calibration parameters.
For complete reference select Doxygen documentation.

Class CalibFileFinder

CalibFileFinder class finds the path to calibration file. Class constructor creates the object with elements of the path to the calibration file. When all input parameters are provided, the method findCalibFile(...) returns the path/name to the file with requested type of calibration parameters for indicated run number.

Class CSPadCalibPars

CSPadCalibPars class loads/holds/provides access to the CSPad geometry calibration parameters. Class constructor creates an object which loads and holds the calibration parameters of all CSPad geometry types. Access methods allows to extract any of requested parameters.

Package CSPadPixCoords

Package CSPadPixCoords pre-calculates the 2x1 section, quad, and CSPad pixel coordinates. CSPad image is also produced in combination of the pixel coordinates with event data.
For complete reference select Doxygen documentation.

Class Image2D

Image2D class creates the object with a pointer to the 2D array and its sizes. It is assumed that the 2D array contains image data. Methods of this class provide access to the 2D array and its transformed versions after up-down, left-right flips, transpose, and rotations by n*90 degree.

Class QuadParameters

QuadParameters class object contains current parameters of the CSPad quad.

Class PixCoords2x1

PixCoords2x1 class defines the 2x1 section pixel coordinates in its local frame. Class constructor calculates the X, Y, and Z pixel coordinates for single 2x1 in its own (matrix style) frame; X coordinate is directed along ascending row index from 0 to 388 (from top to botton for 0 rotation angle), Y coordinate is directed alond descending (ONLINE specific...) column index from 184 to 0 (from left to right for 0 rotation angle). The getPixCoorRot...(...) methods return these coordinates for rotated by N*90 degree 2x1 in um(micrometer) or pixels. Rows and columns are defined like described in ONLINE modules: /reg/g/psdm/sw/external/lusi-xtc/2.12.0a/x86_64-rhel5-gcc41-opt/pdsdata/cspad/ElementIterator.hh, Detector.hh
No parameters needed in constructor; everything is defined through the known 2x1 chip geometry.

Class PixCoordsQuad

PixCoordsQuad class defines the quad pixel coordinates in its local frame. The coordinate frame coinsides with that of optical measurement, but in "matrix style" geometry:

  • X axis directed along ascending row index (from top to bottom)
  • Y axis directed along ascending column index (from left to right)
    Pixel coordinates in quad are calculated using precise 2x1 section geometry from the class PixCoords2x1 and the calibration parameters extracted by the PSCalib package.

Class PixCoordsCSPad

PixCoordsCSPad class defines and provides access to the CSPad pixel coordinates. Class constructor fills the arrays of the CSPad pixel coordinates using the PixCoordsQuad class object and the calibration parameters extracted by the PSCalib package. Access methods return the CSPad pixel coordinate for indicated axis, quad, section, row, and column indexes. Pixel coordinates can be returned in um(micrometers), pix(pixels), or int(integer pixel index).

Module PixCoordsTest

See description in Psana Module Catalog.

To execute this test module go to your release directory and run psana with appropriate configuration file:

cd <your-favorite-psana-release-directory>
psana -c CSPadPixCoords/data/psana_pixcoords_test.cfg

At the end of this test a few text files with images will be created:
test_2x1.txt, test_q0.txt, ..., test_q3.txt, and test_cspad.txt
To plot these images you may use the python script, for example:

./CSPadPixCoords/data/ test_q0.txt
./CSPadPixCoords/data/ test_2x1.txt
./CSPadPixCoords/data/ test_cspad.txt

Module CSPadImageProducer

See description in Psana Module Catalog.

To test this module go to your release directory and run psana with appropriate configuration file:

cd <your-favorite-psana-release-directory>
psana -c CSPadPixCoords/data/psana_cspad_image_producer.cfg

This procedure demonstrates that module is doing somthing, but does not show any useful results. The next module CSPadImageGetTest is intended to demonstrate results.

Module CSPadImageGetTest

See description in Psana Module Catalog.

To execute this test go to your release directory and run psana with appropriate configuration file:

cd <your-favorite-psana-release-directory>
psana -c CSPadPixCoords/data/psana.cfg

At the end of this test the text file cspad_image_get_test_ev000010.txt with image will be created.
To plot this image you may use the python script:

./CSPadPixCoords/data/ cspad_image_get_test_ev000010.txt

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