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phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% svn co svn+ssh://

Run an example

In order to run on the example you need a ntuple. This example runs on ntuples in e.g.:
If you run on pcphuat27 then you don't need to manipulate the filelists as described below:


There is an example in the topologies/example/ directory to start from:
phansson@pcphuat27[]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% cd flatana/trunk/topologies/example

The analysis class Topology_l2rate is already scheduled to be run with the analysis script To run 10 events the example and create some plots do:
phansson@pcphuat27[]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/flatana/trunk/topologies/example% ./ example 10


In order to run over your own ntuple you need only to create a new FileEvent:

phansson@pcphuat27[]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/flatana/trunk/topologies/example% cp FileEvent_template.h FileEvent_trg.h
phansson@pcphuat27[]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/flatana/trunk/topologies/example% cp FileEvent_template.cxx FileEvent_trg.cxx

Then open your root file (e.g. ntuple.root) and do a makeclass:
phansson@pcphuat27[]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/flatana/trunk/topologies/example% root -l /u1/data/user09.DavidWilkinsMiller.trigger.v02.SethCaughron.misal1_mc12.EnhancedBias_1031.digit.RDO.v13004004_AANT_PHCOPY_SLIM/user09.DavidWilkinsMiller.trigger.v02.SethCaughron.misal1_mc12.EnhancedBias_1031.digit.RDO.v13004004.AANT._00001_slim.root
root 1 CollectionTree->MakeClass("slimclass")


  1. Find the line /***** ADD YOUR OWN NTUPLE TYPE BELOW and make sure that your new FileEvent class is compiled.
  2. Find the line /***** * ADD YOUR OWN FILEEVENT NTUPLE FORMAT BELOW * *****/ and make sure that your FileEvent class is loaded (the string in the file list name given as argument is used to determine what file type should be used)

Now you are ready to run. Use the simple helper script which is good to schedule several jobs at the same time as in the example above or run directly in ROOT:

phansson@pcphuat27[]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/flatana/trunk/topologies/example% root -l
root 0 .L ana.C
root 1 ana(14,"tt.trg",10)
