Page History
Table of Contents |
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
main.hh - declares enums and functions - implements getters and other utility functions and classes.
myana.hh - declaration of user functions (beginrun
, event
etc) - implementation of user functions (beginrun
, event
etc) - same as, but has more examples.
These are the namespaces used.
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namespace Pds namespace Pds::CsPad |
Define some aliases.
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#define getOpal1kConfig(x) getFrameConfig(x) #define getTm6740Config(x) getFrameConfig(x) #define getOpal1kValue(w, x, y, z) getFrameValue(w, x, y, z) #define getTm6740Value(w, x, y, z) getFrameValue(w, x, y, z) #define FNAME_LEN 256 #define Opal1kDetectorIndex(x, y) FrameDetectorIndex(x, DetInfo::Opal1000, y) #define Tm6740DetectorIndex(x, y) FrameDetectorIndex(x, DetInfo::TM6740 , y) #define FccdDetectorIndex(x, y) FrameDetectorIndex(x, DetInfo::Fccd, y) |
These are "named integers" that are used to control e.g. which detector to fetch information from.
Most of these are copied from pdsdata/xtc/DetInfo.hh.
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enum AcqDetector { AmoIms = 0, AmoGasdet = 1, AmoETof = 2, AmoITof = 3, AmoMbes = 4, AmoVmiAcq = 5, AmoBpsAcq = 6, Camp = 7, SxrBeamlineAcq1 = 0, SxrBeamlineAcq2 = 1, SxrEndstationAcq1 = 2, SxrEndstationAcq2 = 3, NumAcqDetector = 8 } enum FrameDetector { AmoVmi = 0, AmoBps1 = 1, AmoBps2 = 2, SxrBeamlineOpal1 = 0, SxrBeamlineOpal2 = 1, SxrEndstationOpal1 = 2, SxrEndstationOpal2 = 3, SxrFccd = 4, XppSb1PimCvd = 0, XppMonPimCvd = 1, XppSb3PimCvd = 2, XppSb4PimCvd = 3, NumFrameDetector = 5 } enum PrincetonDetector { SxrBeamlinePrinceton1 = 0, SxrBeamlinePrinceton2 = 1, SxrEndstationPrinceton1 = 2, SxrEndstationPrinceton2 = 3, AmoPrinceton1 = 0, AmoPrinceton2 = 1, AmoPrinceton3 = 2, AmoPrinceton4 = 3, NumPrincetonDetector = 4 } enum IpimbDetector { SxrBeamlineIpimb1 = 0, SxrBeamlineIpimb2 = 1, SxrBeamlineIpimb3 = 2, SxrBeamlineIpimb4 = 3, SxrBeamlineIpimb5 = 4, SxrBeamlineIpimb6 = 5, SxrBeamlineIpimb7 = 6, SxrBeamlineIpimb8 = 7, SxrBeamlineIpimb9 = 8, SxrBeamlineIpimb10 = 9, SxrBeamlineIpimb11 = 10, SxrBeamlineIpimb12 = 11, SxrBeamlineIpimb13 = 12, SxrBeamlineIpimb14 = 13, SxrBeamlineIpimb15 = 14, SxrBeamlineIpimb16 = 15, SxrEndstationIpimb1 = 16, SxrEndstationIpimb2 = 17, SxrEndstationIpimb3 = 18, SxrEndstationIpimb4 = 19, SxrEndstationIpimb5 = 20, SxrEndstationIpimb6 = 21, SxrEndstationIpimb7 = 22, SxrEndstationIpimb8 = 23, SxrEndstationIpimb9 = 24, SxrEndstationIpimb10 = 25, SxrEndstationIpimb11 = 26, SxrEndstationIpimb12 = 27, SxrEndstationIpimb13 = 28, SxrEndstationIpimb14 = 29, SxrEndstationIpimb15 = 30, SxrEndstationIpimb16 = 31, XppSb1Ipm = 0, XppSb1Pim = 1, XppMonPim = 2, XppSb2Ipm = 3, XppSb3Ipm = 4, XppSb3Pim = 5, XppSb4Pim = 6, NumIpimbDetector = 32 } enum PnCcdDetector { PnCcd0 = 0, PnCcd1 = 1, NumPnCcdDetector = 2 } enum EncoderDetector { SxrBeamlineEncoder1 = 0, NumEncoderDetector = 1 } enum Result { OK, End, Error } |
These are defined in
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typedef vector< AcqWaveForm > AcqChannelList typedef int(*) TEpicValueFuncPtr (const EpicsPvHeader &epicsPv1, const void **ppValue, int *piDbrype, struct tm *pTmTimeStamp, int *piNanoSec) |
These are all defined in
- struct AcqWaveForm
Public AttributesCode Block double vfTrig vector< double > vfTime vector< double > vfVoltage
- class myLevelIter
Public Member FunctionsCode Block // Constructor myLevelIter (Xtc *xtc, unsigned depth, int iDebugLevel) void process( const DetInfo &di, const ... &cfg) // lots of these // one process function for each device configuration. int process (Xtc *xtc)
- class XtcSlice
Public Member FunctionsCode Block XtcSlice (std::string fname) ~XtcSlice () bool add_file (std::string fname) void init () Result next (Pds::Dgram *dg) Result skip () const Pds::Dgram & hdr () const
- class XtcRun
Public Member FunctionsCode Block XtcRun () ~XtcRun () void reset (std::string fname) bool add_file (std::string fname) const char * base () const void init () Result next (Pds::Dgram *dg)
These are all declared in main.hh
and implemented in
Time functions and file name
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int getTime (int &seconds, int &nanoSeconds) int getLocalTime (const char *&time) int getFiducials (unsigned &fiducials) const char * getInputName () const char * getFileName () void saveName (const char *file, char *dest) |
Configuration retrieval functions:
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int getAcqConfig (AcqDetector det, int &numChannels, int &numSamples, double &sampleInterval) int getFrameConfig (FrameDetector det) int getPrincetonConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, int &width, int &height, int &orgX, int &orgY, int &binX, int &binY) int getIpimbConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, uint64_t &serialID, int &chargeAmpRange0, int &chargeAmpRange1, int &chargeAmpRange2, int &chargeAmpRange3) int getEncoderConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId) int getFccdConfig (FrameDetector det, uint16_t &outputMode, bool &ccdEnable, bool &focusMode, uint32_t &exposureTime, float &dacVoltage1, float &dacVoltage2, float &dacVoltage3, float &dacVoltage4, float &dacVoltage5, float &dacVoltage6, float &dacVoltage7, float &dacVoltage8, float &dacVoltage9, float &dacVoltage10, float &dacVoltage11, float &dacVoltage12, float &dacVoltage13, float &dacVoltage14, float &dacVoltage15, float &dacVoltage16, float &dacVoltage17, uint16_t &waveform0, uint16_t &waveform1, uint16_t &waveform2, uint16_t &waveform3, uint16_t &waveform4, uint16_t &waveform5, uint16_t &waveform6, uint16_t &waveform7, uint16_t &waveform8, uint16_t &waveform9, uint16_t &waveform10, uint16_t &waveform11, uint16_t &waveform12, uint16_t &waveform13, uint16_t &waveform14) int getDiodeFexConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float *base, float *scale) int getIpmFexConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float *base0, float *scale0, float *base1, float *scale1, float *base2, float *scale2, float *base3, float *scale3, float &xscale, float &yscale) int getCspadConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned &quadMask, unsigned &asicMask) int getCspadConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, Pds::CsPad::ConfigV1 &cfg) |
L1Accept (event/shot) Data retrieval functions
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int getAcqValue (AcqDetector det, int channel, double *&time, double *&voltage) int getAcqValue (AcqDetector det, int channel, double *&time, double *&voltage, double &trigtime) int getFrameValue (FrameDetector det, int &frameWidth, int &frameHeight, unsigned short *&image) int getPrincetonValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, unsigned short *&image) int getPrincetonTemperature (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float &temperature) int getIpimbVolts (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float &channel0, float &channel1, float &channel2, float &channel3) int getFeeGasDet (double *shotEnergy) int getEBeam (double &charge, double &energy, // charge and energy double &posx, double &posy, // position (x,y) double &angx, double &angy) // angle (x,y) int getEBeam (double &charge, double &energy, // charge and energy double &posx, double &posy, // position (x,y) double &angx, double &angy, // angle (x,y) double &pkcurr) // current int getPhaseCavity (double &fitTime1, double &fitTime2, double &charge1, double &charge2) int getPvInt (const char *pvName, int &value) int getPvFloat (const char *pvName, float &value) int getPvString (const char *pvName, char *&value) int getPnCcdValue (int deviceId, unsigned char *&image, int &width, int &height) int getEvrDataNumber () int getEvrData (int id, unsigned int &eventCode, unsigned int &fiducial, unsigned int &timeStamp) int getEncoderCount (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, int &encoderCount) int getDiodeFexValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float &value) int getIpmFexValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float *channels, float &sum, float &xpos, float &ypos) int getCspadQuad (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned quad, const uint16_t *&pixels) int getCspadQuad (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned quad, const Pds::CsPad::ElementV1 *&data) |
Control data retrieval functions
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int getControlPvNumber () int getControlPvName (int pvId, const char *&pvName, int &arrayIndex) int getControlValue (const char *pvName, int arrayIndex, double &value) int getMonitorPvNumber () int getMonitorPvName (int pvId, const char *&pvName, int &arrayIndex) int getMonitorValue (const char *pvName, int arrayIndex, double &hilimit, double &lolimit) |
Advanced interface
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int getEpicsPvNumber () int getEpicsPvConfig (int iPvId, const char *&sPvName, int &iType, int &iNumElements) int getEpicsPvValue (int pvId, const void *&value, int &dbrype, struct tm &tmTimeStamp, int &nanoSec) void fillConstFrac (double *t, double *v, unsigned numSamples, float baseline, float thresh, TH1 *hist) void fillConstFrac (double *t, double *v, unsigned numSamples, float baseline, float thresh, double *edge, int &n, int maxhits) |
Program control functions
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void usage (char *progname) void makeoutfilename (char *filename, char *outfilename) void anarun (XtcRun &run, unsigned &maxevt, unsigned &skip, int iDebugLevel) int main (int argc, char *argv[]) | and myana.hh
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void beginjob () void beginrun () void begincalib () void event () void endcalib () void endrun () void endjob () | and myana.hh
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void beginjob () void beginrun () void begincalib () void event () void endcalib () void endrun () void endjob () |