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The data recorded from the LCLS experiments are stored in xtc (extended containereXtended Tagged Container) files. These files contain "datagrams" which are an object of some type (TypeId) with associated status (Damage), source (Src) and extent (size). It is not an indexed file and does not provide random access, and can only be read seqencially, one event (shot) at a time.






Intensity position, intensity monitor board
Four diodes positioned around the beam measure scattered X-rays. Based on the output voltage from the four sensors, we can determine pulse intensity and position of the beam.


SXR SLE Info (Laser Mirror Position Encoder)


for device used by the CAMP collaboration


software for DAQ interface to the aquiris digitizer hardware. Waveform data.


camera frames, configurations, feature extractions process


Event EVent Receiver (event code, beam code?)


for Opal1000 camera


for Pulnix TM6740CL monochrome camera


utility for DAQ control, PV (process variable) control and monitoring


This package defines all the datagrams for the xtc file.


DAQ interface to epics (process variables (PV))

bld defines some build data classes

DAQ interface to BeamLine Data, e.g. FeeGasDetEnergy, EBeam, PhaseCavity


software for DAQ interface to the Princeton camera


LBNL/ANL Fast CCD monochrome camera


CXI CsPad detector


LCLS Ultrafast Science Instruments Configs for diode, ipm, pim.


Xtc and Epics readers


This is the main control of the analysis, but you should avoid editing this file. After When all the all utility functions (in main) and user functions (in myana) have been read, main() is executed and controls the flow of the analysis. For each xtc file it calls

anafile(xtcname, maxevt, skip, iDebugLevel);

which iterates through the xtc file, keeps track of uses a special iterator to loop through all the datagrams in itthe file, and makes sure to execute your the beginjob() and event() functions that you implemented in

All the functionality needed to get data from the xtc file is (or should be) defined in and in the files it includes (including the pdsdata library).cc and in the files it includes (including the pdsdata library). You just need to call the appropriate functions from your to extract the information you need from the file. Get an uppdated list of all the available functions by looking at main.hh (implementations are in


Fetches waveform data from any of the Acquiris devices. Fills your arrays with the waveform time and voltage, and optionally gives you the trigger time. This should be called from within the event() function.

In the example, we fetch data from the AmoITof device (AMO Ion Time-of-flight).
Other Acquiris devices (see main.hh for an up-to-date list):

Code Block
   AmoIms      - ion momentum spectrometer (2 detectors, 7 channels)
   AmoGasdet   - gas detector (in the Front End Enclusure)
   AmoETof     - electron time-of-flight (5 detectors)
   AmoMbes     - magnetic bottle electron spectrometer
   AmoVmiAcq   - (Vmi = Velocity mappingmap imaging)
   AmoBpsAcq   - (Bps = Beam position screen)
   Camp        - for the CAMP experimental setup


  • Opal1000 camera:
    getOpal1kValue (an alias for getFrameValue)
  • Which Pulnix6740CL camera?:
    getTm6740Value (an alias for getFrameValue)
  • FrameDetector (general):
    Code Block
    int getFrameConfig   (FrameDetector det);
    int getFrameValue(FrameDetector det, int& frameWidth, int& frameHeight, unsigned short*& image );
    Gives you the width and height (in pixels) of the image, and a pointer to the start of the pixel array of a Pds::Camera::FrameV1 object. Specify the detector (using an appropriate enum).
    Code Block
    Available frame detectors:
    Available frame detectors:
          AmoVmi        - velocity map AmoVmiimaging
          AmoBps1       - beam position screen
          AmoBps2       - beam position screen


  • Fast CCD camera:
    Code Block
     int getFccdConfig(FrameDetector det, uint16_t& outputMode, bool& ccdEnable,
                      bool& focusMode, uint32_t& exposureTime,
                      float& dacVoltage1, float& dacVoltage2, float& dacVoltage3, float& dacVoltage4,
                      float& dacVoltage5, float& dacVoltage6, float& dacVoltage7, float& dacVoltage8,
                      float& dacVoltage9, float& dacVoltage10, float& dacVoltage11, float& dacVoltage12,
                      float& dacVoltage13, float& dacVoltage14, float& dacVoltage15, float& dacVoltage16,
                      float& dacVoltage17,
                      uint16_t& waveform0, uint16_t& waveform1, uint16_t& waveform2, uint16_t& waveform3,
                      uint16_t& waveform4, uint16_t& waveform5, uint16_t& waveform6, uint16_t& waveform7,
                      uint16_t& waveform8, uint16_t& waveform9, uint16_t& waveform10, uint16_t& waveform11,
                      uint16_t& waveform12, uint16_t& waveform13, uint16_t& waveform14);
    Configures the information from the Fast CCD. Fills arguments with values depending on how the image/waveform data were taken. There is no getFccdValue in main.hh, so I think you need to use getFrameValue for this(question) .
  • PnCCD camera (used by the CAMP collaboration):
    Code Block
     int getPnCcdValue (int deviceId, unsigned char*& image, int& width, int& height );
    This camera has 4 links, each link provides a 512 x 512 x 16 bit image. This function combines the four images to a single 1024 x 1024 x 16 bit image.
    deviceId can be PnCcd0 or PnCcd1, width and height are the number of pixels in each direction.


  • Ipimb detector (Intensity Position, Intensity Monitor Board)
    Code Block
      int getIpimbConfig(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId);
      int getIpimbVolts(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                       float &channel0, float &channel1, float &channel2, float &channel3);
    Measures intensity and position of the beam from scattered X-rays.
  • Encoder detector
    Code Block
      int getEncoderConfig   (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId);
      int getEncoderCount(Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, unsigned int& encoderCount);
    Position of mirrors (SXI)
  • DiodeFex (Diode feature extraction)
    Code Block
      int getDiodeFexConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float* base, float* scale);
      int getDiodeFexValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float& value);
  • Imp Ipm detector Fex (Imp Ipm feature extraction)
    Code Block
      int getIpmFexConfig   (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                           float* base0, float* scale0,
                           float* base1, float* scale1,
                           float* base2, float* scale2,
                           float* base3, float* scale3,
                           float& xscale, float& yscale);
      int getIpmFexValue   (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                          float* channels, float& sum, float& xpos, float& ypos);
