Speaker | Date | Conference/Workshop | Talk type | Title |
Valentina CairoJul2021EPS-HEP | Parallel | Searches for Higgs boson pair production with the full LHC Run-2 dataset in ATLAS | Michael Kagan | Feb/2020 | Machine Learning at LHC | Plenary | Machine Learning in the Wild: Applications on ATLAS |
Michael Kagan | Dec/2019 | NeurIPS 2019 - Neuro-AI workshop | Poster | Continual Learning Via Neural Pruning |
Michael Kagan | Oct 2019 | AISIS 2019 | Plenary | Machine Learning at the High Energy Frontier |
Michael Kagan | July 2019 | CERN OpenLab Summer School | Lecture | Introduction to Machine Learning |
Valentina Cairo | June 2019 | ATLAS Joint Tracking and Flavour Tagging Workshop 2019 | Plenary | Summary on Physics Modeling |
Valentina Cairo | June 2019 | ATLAS Joint Tracking and Flavour Tagging Workshop 2019 | Plenary | Tracking and Vertexing Developments, and Impact on Flavour Tagging |
Su Dong | May 2019 | SUSY 2019 | Parallel | BSM Higgs Results from ATLAS |
Valentina Cairo | May 2019 | LHCP 2019 | Parallel (ATLAS + CMS) | Recent soft QCD results from ATLAS and CMS |
Valentina Cairo | May 2019 | LHCP 2019 | Parallel (ATLAS only) | Probing g->bb with inclusive jets and V+jets with ATLAS |
Michael Kagan | May 2019 | LHCP 2019 | Parallel | Machine Learning for Searches |
Caterina Vernieri | March 2019 | Aspen 2019 | Plenary | Double Higgs production |
Michael Kagan | Jan/2019 | | Plenary | Introduction to Machine Learning |
Catrin Bernius | Dec/2018 | Kruger 2018 | Parallel | HL-LHC prospects from ATLAS and CMS |
Michael Kagan | Oct/2018 | | Plenary | Machine Learning in High Energy Physics |
Michael Kagan | Oct/2018 | | Plenary | B-tagging on ATLAS |
Michael Kagan | Sep/2018 | Double Higgs Production at Colliders | Plenary | |
Michael Kagan | Aug/2018 | MLHEP 2018 Summer School | Lecture | Deep Learning in High Energy Physics |
Michael Kagan | July/2018 | | Lecture | Machine Learning in High Energy Physics |
Michael Kagan | July/2018 | CERN OpenLab Summer School | Lecture | Introduction to Machine Learning |
Catrin Bernius | Jul/2018 | CHEP 2018 | Plenary | Track 1 Summary Talk: Online Computing |
Catrin Bernius | Jul/2018 | CHEP 2018 | Poster | The ATLAS Trigger Simulation with Legacy Software |
Michael Kagan | April 2018 | | Plenary | Machine Learning for Jet Physics |
Michael Kagan | March 2018 | Moriond EW 2018 | Plenary | Di-Higgs Results from ATLAS and CMS |
Michael Kagan | Dec/2017 | NeurIPS 2017 | Poster | Learning to Pivot with Adversarial Networks |
Michael Kagan | Sep/2017 | ATLAS Joint Flavour Tagging and H->bb Workshop 2017 | Plenary | Machine Learning for Flavour Tagging and H->bb Analysis |
Catrin Bernius | Aug/2017 | ACAT 2017 | Poster | The ATLAS Trigger Simulation with Legacy Software (Proceedings) |
Catrin Bernius | July/2017 | DPF 2017 | Parallel | The ATLAS Trigger Algorithms Upgrade and Performance in Run-2 (Proceedings) |
Michael Kagan | July/2017 | Hammers and Nails | Plenary | Domain Adaptation and Systematic Uncertainties in HEP |
Michael Kagan | June/2017 | ATLAS Machine Learning Workshop | Plenary | Mitigating Systematics with Adversarial Networks |
Michael Kagan | May/2017 | LHCP | Parallel | Machine Learning in Particle and Event Reconstruction |
Michael Kagan | April/2017 | CERN Academic Training Lecture Series | Lecture | Introduction to Machine learning: Lecture I and Lecture II |
Francesco Rubbo | Mar/2017 | CTD/WIT 2017 | Young Scientist Forum | Weakly supervised classifiers in High Energy Physics |
Su Dong | Feb/2017 | Lake Louise Winter Institute | Plenary | Highlights from the LHC Energy Frontier |
Francesco Rubbo | Feb/2017 | LHC Theory Initiative Fellows Meeting 2017 | Plenary | Machine learning for LHC applications |
Michael Kagan | Aug/2016 | Hadron Collider Physics Summer School | Lecture / Seminar | Deep Learning in High Energy Physics |
Nicoletta Garelli | Jul/2016 | ICNFP2016 | Plenary | Performance of the ATLAS detector in Run 2 |
Michael Kagan | Feb/2016 | Connecting the Dots | Plenary | Jet Images -- Deep Learning Edition |
Ariel Schwartzman | Jan/2016 | ACAT2016 | Plenary | Image processing, computer vision, and deep learning: New approaches to the analysis and physics interpretation of LHC events |
Michael Kagan | Dec/2015 | PITT PACC Workshop: Higgs and Beyond | Plenary | Di-Higgs: Experiment Status and Prospects |
Michael Kagan | Aug/2015 | Boost | Plenary | ATLAS Searches in Run 1 |
Maximilian Swiatlowski | Jun/2015 | USATLAS 2015 Workshop | Plenary, Parallel | Measuring the Standard Model and Searching for New Physics with the ATLAS Detector (Outstanding Graduate Student Award plenary) and Boosting Searches for SUSY with Jet Substructure |
Ariel Schwartzman | Jun/2015 | Preparing for the High-Luminosity Run of the LHC | Plenary | Pileup Mitigation |
Michael Kagan | Jun/2015 | USATLAS 2015 Workshop | Plenary | B-tagging on ATLAS |
Philippe Grenier | Jun/2015 | USATLAS 2015 Workshop | Plenary | The ATLAS Phase II Tracker |
Ben Nachman | Jun/2015 | ATLAS week poster session | Poster | Measurement of Colorflow is ttbar events |
Giacinto Piacquadio | Mar/2015 | Moriond EW 2015 | Plenary | Run-I ATLAS Higgs results and prospectives for Run-II |
Ben Nachman | Mar/2015 | 121st LHCC Meeting | Poster | Pushing the limits by looking within: Jet Substructure with the ATLAS Detector |
Qi Zeng, Michael Kagan | Mar/2015 | 121st LHCC Meeting | Poster | b-Tagging in Boosted Environments |
Michael Kagan | Feb/2015 | Connecting the Dots 2015 | Plenary | Jet-Images: Computer Vision Inspired Techniques for Jet Tagging |
Giacinto Piacquadio | Sep/2014 | Higgs Days 2014 | Plenary | Measuring the Higgs coupling to b-quarks |
Maximilian Swiatlowski | Aug/2014 | BOOST-2014 | Plenary | q/g Discrimination and Jet Pull at ATLAS |
Ben Nachman | Aug/2014 | BOOST-2014 | Plenary | Jets from Jets and Fuzzy Jets |
Ariel Schwartzman | Aug/2014 | BOOST-2014 | Plenary | Future prospects in jet substructure performance with ATLAS |
Maximilian Swiatlowski | Jun/2014 | LHCP-2014 | Poster | Light Quark and Gluon Jet Discrimination with the ATLAS Detector (poster award winner) |
Ben Nachman | Jun/2014 | LHCP-2014 | Poster | Jet Charge |
Bryan Fulsom | Jun/2014 | LHCP-2014 | Plenary | Quarkonia Production and Polarization at Hadron Colliders |
Giacinto Piacquadio | Jun/2014 | The flavor of Higgs | Plenary | Flavor tagging and identification |
Ariel Schwartzman | Mar/2014 | Terascale Natural Supersymmetry Workshop | Plenary | Jet Substructure and Natural SUSY |
Ariel Schwartzman | Jan/27/2014 | JetMET at High Pileup LPC Workshop | Plenary | Jets and Missing ET at ATLAS |
Pascal Nef | Jan/21/2014 | Boston Jets Workshop 2014 | Plenary | Pileup at ATLAS |
Ben Nachman | Jan/2014 | Boston Jets Workshop 2014 | Plenary | Jet Charge and Jet Pull Performance |
Ariel Schwartzman | Jan/21/2014 | Boston Jets Workshop 2014 | Plenary | Jets, Subjets, and Particles |
Maximilian Swiatlowski | Jan/2014 | Boston Jets Workshop 2014 | Plenary | Tagging Quark/Gluon Initiated Jets at ATLAS |
Ariel Schwartzman | Oct/6/2013 | Kinematic Variables for New Physics at the LHC | Plenary | Jet Substructure at ATLAS |
Caitlin Malone | Oct/2013 | Higgs Coupling 2013 | Plenary | Higgs Boson Decaying to Fermoins in ATLAS and CMS |
Maximilian Swiatlowski | Aug/14/2013 | BOOST-2013 | Plenary | Exploration of new substructure techniques in ATLAS |
Josh Cogan | Aug/14/2013 | BOOST-2013 | Plenary | Applying computer vision techniques to jet flavor identification: from FisherFaces to FisherJets |
Ariel Schwartzman | Aug/12/2013 | BOOST-2013 | Plenary | Jets under HL-LHC Conditions |
Ariel Schwartzman | Aug/03/2013 | Snowmass on the Mississippi | Parallel | ATLAS Jets and MIssing ET Performance under HL-LHC Conditions |
Ben Nachman | Jul/2013 | EPS-2013 | Poster | Search for Top Squark Pair Production |
Rainer Bartoldus | Jul/17/2013 | US-ATLAS Physics Workshop 2013 | Plenary | Trigger Performance and Outlook |
Caitlin Malone | Jun/24/2013 | LP 2013 | Poster | Search for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum |
Emanuel Strauss | Mar/13/2013 | Aspen 2013 | Plenary | Results of the search for Heavy Higgs and BSM Higgs Bosons from ATLAS |
Maximilian Swiatlowski | Mar/13/2013 | LHCC 2013 | Poster | Jets, ETmiss, and Jet Substructure and Tagging Performance in ATLAS |
John Backus Mayes | Jul/24/2012 | BOOST-2012 | Plenary | Jet reconstruction and calibration at high luminosity at ATLAS |
Ariel Schwartzman | Jul/23/2012 | BOOST-2012 | Plenary | Jets |
Ariel Schwartzman | Jul/5/2012 | ICHEP-2012 | Parallel | Performance of Jets and Missing ET in ATLAS |
Till Eifert | Jun/2012 | PLHC2012 | Plenary | SUSY and BSM searches in ATLAS |
Bart Butler | May/7/2012 | PHENO2012 | Parallel | Searches for third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector |
Ignacio Aracena | Mar/2012 | MoriondQCD2012 | Plenary | Top Quark Pair Production at root(s) = 7 TeV |
Rainer Bartoldus | Jan/5/2012 | HEP2012 | Plenary | ATLAS Detector Overview |
Josh Cogan | Sep/1/2011 | SUSY11 | Parallel | Search for supersymmetry in final states with measurable lifetime with the ATLAS detector |
Bart Butler | Aug/31/2011 | PIC2011 | Poster Talk | Searches for supersymmetry in pp collisions at ?s = 7 TeV in final states with missing transverse momentum, b?jets and no leptons |
Paul Jackson | Aug/30/2011 | PIC2011 | Poster Talk | Searches for Long-lived, Stable Massive Particles with the ATLAS experiment |
Per Hansson | Aug/29/2011 | PIC2011 | Poster | The ATLAS b jet Trigger |
Josh Cogan | Aug/12/2011 | DPF | Parallel | Search for Stopped Long-lived particles with the ATLAS experiment |
Bart Butler | Aug/9/2011 | DPF | Parallel | Search for New Physics in pp Collisions at ?s = 7 TeV in Final States with Missing Transverse Energy and Heavy Flavor |
Andy Haas | Sep/23/2010 | Topologies for Early LHC Searches | Plenary | ATLAS Status and plans |
Paul Jackson | Aug/27/2010 | SUSY10 | Parallel | Searches for semi-stable massive particles stopping in the ATLAS calorimeter |
Claus Horn | Jul/30/2010 | IDM2010 | Plenary | First LHC Results |
Ariel Schwartzman | Jul/22/2010 | ICHEP | Parallel | Performance of Jet, Missing Transverse Energy and Tau Reconstruction with ATLAS in pp Collisions at ?s = 7 TeV |
David Miller | Jul/22/2010 | ICHEP | Poster | Luminosity and Beamspot Determination Using the ATLAS Detector |
Michael Wilson | Jun/24/2010 | BOOST2010 | Plenary | Decay characteristics of W bosons from heavy quarks |
Michael Wilson | Jun/10/2010 | PLHC2010 | Parallel | Early searches with leptons and photons with ATLAS |
David Miller | May/13/2010 | Calor2010 | Plenary | First Measurement of jets and missing transverse energy with the ATLAS calorimeter |
Claus Horn | Jun/07/2009 | SUSY09 | Parallel | A Bottom-up Approach to SUSY Analyses |