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How to register as a SLAC user and get a Computer account

Register for a SLUO (SLAC Users Organization) Account

Registration for a SLUO account is the very first step in getting set up with SLAC computing. To register, fill in the form located at Most information on this form should be straightforward. Make sure to select CDMS under 'Experiment you will be working on.' On the second page, you will be asked for a SLAC reference. For CDMS, this is currently Rich Partridge. If you would like more information on SLUO, see their page here.

Within several days of filling out the SLUO form, you should receive an e-mail containing, among other information, your SLAC ID number. This will be critical in filling out the paperwork to get a SLAC computing account (see below). This e-mail will also direct you to complete a Cyber Security Basics course online. Complete this step as soon as possible. Completing the course should take less than an hour, but if you forget about this step, your computing account will be locked in a few weeks, pending completion of the course. It is much easier to just get the course out of the way than to go through the unlocking process later!

Register for a SLAC Computer Account

After getting your SLAC ID number, you can begin the paperwork to apply for a SLAC computing account. To do this, you should follow the steps at There are two forms that must be filled out. One is the declaration form, certifying that you have read through the document on acceptable use of computing resources. The other is the actual computing account application. The latter form will ask numerous questions. Following is a brief explanation of some of the fields that might not be immediately clear:

  • SID #: This is found in the e-mail confirming creation of your SLUO account (see above)
  • New Account Type: If you are an offsite user, you must request a Unix account at a minimum, as that is the account used to access the batch and file systems; however, it wouldn't hurt to request a Windows account as well
  • SLAC e-mailbox: If you work primarily at another institution, it would probably be best to select None; you can still receive e-mails at, they will simply be forwarded to your primary e-mail account; otherwise, MS Exchange or Unix should probably be selected on the basis of your preferred e-mail client (Outlook would imply MS Exchange, anything else would probably imply Unix)
  • Requested User ID: This can be anything, but generally some combination of your last name and possibly your first name or initial would be best – this will make it easier for other users to identify who you actually are from files that you create or edit
  • Computer Czar: This should be Anders Borgland.

After filling out both of the SLAC computing forms, they should be faxed to Anders Borgland at 650-926-2221. It is also a good idea to send a brief e-mail to Anders to confirm their receipt. You can also scan the forms and email them directly to Anders. Anders will sign your computing account form and forward it to the SLAC Computing Division, which should send you an e-mail with your new account information in a few days. If it takes longer than this, something is probably held up and you should contact the Account Services Desk at 650-926-ACCT and/or Anders.

Once you have received e-mails confirming your new account(s), follow directions for changing the default password(s) as soon as possible. Once again, your account will be locked if you do not do this quickly!

After obtaining a Unix account, you will probably need to separately request access to the CDMS pages on Confluence to access important resources. To do this, simply send an e-mail to with your SLAC username and CDMS Computer Czar. You can also move on to Connecting to SLAC Computing Systems to test out your new account.

How to get a Confluence account

If you do not have a SLAC computer account and don't plan on getting one:

If you do have a SLAC computer account:

SuperCDMS SNOLAB public confluence site

This page will guide our newest members through the process of registering as members of the Collaboration and gaining access to the internal resources.
If you have problems with any part of this page please reach out to the contact person of the section you're interested in or to the  Documentation Infrastructure Committee.

Deck of Cards
labelAccounts for New Members

First  register as a CDMS Collaboration Member

Before requesting Confluence access or a SLAC computing account you must be registered as a member of the collaboration.  Register here.


Then  get the additional accounts you need

What will you be doing?Get these accounts.
Viewing/editing SuperCDMS documentation and nothing else
Show Card

Confluence only

Analyzing any data
Show Card
  • SLAC account (includes Confluence access)
Show Card
  • Gitlab account
Developing SuperCDMS software
Show Card
  • SLAC account (includes Confluence access)
Show Card
  • Gitlab account
Taking shifts at SNOLAB
Show Card

SNOLAB account

Work with the SuperCDMS hardware tracking system
Show Card

eTraveler access

Need access to all CDMS data that ever has been or will be taken
Show Card

Fermilab (FNAL) account

Deck of Cards
labelConfluence access only

Contact: cdms-slac-contact

Confluence is widely used by the CDMS collaboration for its internal documentation so the first step as a new member of the collaboration is to gain access to our internal Confluence space.

Show Card
If you plan to access and analyze data please get a full SLAC account.

If you don't plan to analyze data, you can get access to Confluence via a SLAC Crowd account.  

  1. Before requesting a Confluence account, you must be a registered member of the CDMS Collaboration. The registration page is linked  here .
  2. Email to create a Confluence account. Your username will be your email address as listed in the collaboration directory.
    1. Here is an example email:
    2. Hello, I am a new CDMS member and am requesting confluence-only access.  
labelSLAC account (includes Confluence access)

 Contact: cdms-slac-contact 

You should request a SLAC computer account if you plan to analyze any SuperCDMS data.  To get access to Confluence, you will need have your SLAC computer account linked to Confluence (see Step 8 below).  Once your SLAC computing account and Confluence accounts are linked, the same password will give you access to both.
Please be aware that the approval process of your user application can be quite long (typically 2-3weeks).

  1. Before requesting a SLAC username and account, you must be a registered member of the CDMS Collaboration.  The registration page is linked here.

  2. Become a SLAC User (member of SLUO, the SLAC User Organization).
    To enroll, follow the instructions at the Scientific Collaborative Researcher Registration Site:
    NOTE: this is a new procedure, please report to cdms-slac-contact any problem that you may find.

    titleSLUO form details
    • SLAC Project:  select CDMS
    • Point of Contact (POC): Richard Partridge
  3. When the registration is complete you will receive an email containing your SLAC ID (SID) number that is needed for requesting a computer account.  
    Ignore the rest of the content of the email,
    fill out this computer account request form, and contact the CDMS computer coordinator,, to make sure they know that you are applying. If you do not receive feedback from the SLAC Account Services within 2-3 working days please contact the CDMS computer coordinator.

  4. Follow directions for changing the default password(s) as soon as possible.

  5. Move on to  Working with SLAC Computing Systems (confluence access required - see Step 7) to test out your new account.

  6. You swill need to complete Cyber Security Basics training within 5 days of your account activation. You will also need to take periodic cyber security refresher courses. Email notifications will be sent to you as reminder. Failing to take the training when due will result in the account locking, pending completion of the course.

  7. Once you have your SLAC computer account, you still need to get access to the CDMS Confluence space.  Send an e-mail to the CDMS computer coordinator asking for access to the CDMS group space on Confluence.

labelGitlab account
titleHow to get a gitlab account

How to get a GitLab account

Contact: Amy Roberts

First, create a GitLab account. Once you have an account, request access to the SuperCDMS group using the GitLab interface here

Then send your information (name, institute, supervisor, email address) to the folks below. 

labelSNOLAB account
titleHow to get a SNOLAB account

How to get a SNOLAB account

Contact: Joel Sander  

If your supervisor has a SNOLAB account → Please ask them to fill in the new user form

For Supervisor with a SNOLAB account filling the new user form:
Please make sure to tick "VPN-CUTE", "VPN-SCDSM" and "CUTE" and "SuperCDMS" in the collaboration name.

If otherwise, send an email to Joel(

Email subject: "SNOLAB New User Account" and fill in the form

The account creation is not immediate. It needs to be approved by SNOLAB-IT and might take up to 5 working days according to their workload. 

User will need to install a VPN package on your computer to be able to access the network. The instructions for how to do this can be found on the SNOLAB Sharepoint site that you can access only if you have a SNOLAB account

For instructions on accessing the CUTE machines, see (same SNOLAB account credentials to login)

Other resources:

labelFNAL account
titleHow to get a FNAL account

How to get a Fermilab account

Contact: Lauren Hsu, see the SuperCDMS address book for her email

See this page on Confluence (Confluence access required). 

Renew Fermilab Account

Complete this application.

labelNero account
titleHow to get a Nero account

How to get a Nero account

Contact: Steve Yellin, see the SuperCDMS address book for his email

The Stanford Underground Facility (SUF) is maintained by Steve Yellin.  SUF hosts some of our web resources like elog and dokuwiki. You should get an account on Nero if you plan to edit nero web pages or use SUF resources, such as Matlab.

To get an account on the SUF cluster,

  1. you should first register as member of the CDMS Collaboration   here  
  2. and then email Steve Yellin (see the SuperCDMS address book for his email) with your preferred username.
labeleTraveler access
titleHow to access eTraveler

How to access eTraveler

Contact: cdms-slac-contact

If you need to work with the SuperCDMS hardware tracking system, the eTraveler, please register here

Then go to the internal SuperCDMS homepage at Home

If this link doesn't work for you, email cdms-slac-contact and let them know.  Here is an example email:

Hi!  I'm able to log into confluence, but I can't access the SuperCDMS confluence space.  Could you add me to the SuperCDMS confluence group?

labelSuperCDMS Email Contacts

SuperCDMS Email Contacts

Questions about the project, the experiment or the collaboration:

To contact the SuperCDMS SLAC group:

To contact the SuperCDMS webpages administrator:

To contact Confluence administrators:

labelHow to get started with ...

How to get started with...

For more information about the Collaboration, data analysis, resources, and more please visit the How to get started with.... pages (confluence password required).


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