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This is run twice nightly by the trscrontab on to ping the target The first time it uses all enabled landmarks (the default). The second time it uses the disabled landmarks. Running it regularly ensures the tulip log files are current and therefore the analysis is also current.

Using the results from the analysis script we can identify the hosts and their success percentages. We opted to disable all the hosts which were having success less than 20%. The above mentioned script is in /afs/ and it performs the listed functions. It uses the LWP package to access the webpage, downloads the analyzed tulip log file for enabled landmarks, saves it in a file and then parses the output to get the faulty landmarks (i.e. the ones below 20% success rate by default) and then updtaes the database to disable such hosts. It is run nightly (see the trscrontab) before the sites.xml is created and specifies using the tulip log file for the last 3 days.
