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A Complete Example for a lossless cavity

Wiki Markup
\***    Omega3P V8.0.0 07/01/2009 $    \**\*
 Copyright 2009, Advanced Computations Department
 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Read Mesh: gun-v4.ncdf
Partitioning Method: parmetis
      Setup: Max:   0.007, Sum:   0.015, Balance:   1.002
   Matching: Max:   0.008, Sum:   0.015, Balance:   1.001
Contraction: Max:   0.011, Sum:   0.022, Balance:   1.001
   InitPart: Max:   0.001, Sum:   0.001, Balance:   1.000
    Project: Max:   0.000, Sum:   0.001, Balance:   1.000
 Initialize: Max:   0.002, Sum:   0.004, Balance:   1.002
      K-way: Max:   0.006, Sum:   0.011, Balance:   1.000
      Remap: Max:   0.000, Sum:   0.000, Balance:   1.000
      Total: Max:   0.035, Sum:   0.070, Balance:   1.000
\*    Total Number of Elements read:     24868
\*    Total Number of Elements used:     24868
\*    Total Number of DOFs:     152902
Total Volume of the strucutre is : 0.0001593555890525991
Number of Grad DOFs: 27613
Shift = 439.2566356039645
factorizing the matrix using MUMPS ...
Using ParMETIS for ordering...
Analysis step: 0.761027 seconds
    Maximal per-core estimated memory      451 MB
    Aggregated estimated memory      875 MB
    Maximal per-core estimated memory if OOC      184 MB
    Aggregated estimated memory if OOC      365 MB
Factorization step: 39.184121 seconds
     ncv=6     nev=2
 Number of converged eigenpairs = 2
eigenvalue:  2.726061596672462e+03      Frequency:  2.491200411267457e+09      Residual:   2.54e-11
eigenvalue:  3.545447315320415e+03      Frequency:  2.841033486606133e+09      Residual:   1.25e-09
COMMIT MODE: 0 FREQ = 2491200411.267457     k= 52.21169980638881    norm(v\[0\]) = 31.04704308504932
COMMIT MODE: 1 FREQ = 2841033486.606133     k= 59.54365890101494    norm(v\[1\]) = 33.84520753989371
Number of TriSolve: 39. Average time for one TriSolv: 0.287939
Computed Total Energy (normalized by Epsilon0/2): 0.999999999999992
Computed Total Energy (normalized by Epsilon0/2): 0.9999999999999895

Some Explanations

The following lines show the number of elements and number of DOFs in the computation:
