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Science Tools Working Group

The current release of the Science Tools remains v9r11. Eric Winter reports that the FSSC is working toward an internal freeze date in June for their next public release of the Science Tools, planned to coincide with the public release of the LAT data in August.

Data products: Reprocessing for Pass 7 is still getting into gear, now anticipated for early next week. The actual reprocessing should take only a day or so.

Databases and related utilities

No news

Likelihood analysis

Juergen has documented differences in spectral analysis results between unbinned and binned likelihood analysis for extended sources. Jim is suspecting that the issue is with gtdiffrsp for extended (but not all-sky) sources. The binned likelihood results, which do not rely on the diffuse responses, appear to be reliable.

GRB tools

No news

Pulsar tools

Masa reports that there's no news this week.

Observation simulation

No new news.

User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)

(Updated carry over from last week) In Science Tools v9r11 gtexpcube has a default parameter file that has hardwired inputs and does not prompt the user for inputs. This is in JIRA. As a workaround, Jim points out that you can run 'gtexpcube mode=q', which forces the tool to prompt for input.

Source Catalog

Last week Steve Fegan presented a comparison of methods for evaluating upper limits, Robin presented an investigation of power spectra of 6-month catalog sources and Toby presented a comprehensive, uniform set of source location, confidence region, and spectrum plots for these sources. Gulli described steps toward refining the Galactic diffuse emission model. The updates to the BSL paper was also discussed.