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Science Tools Working Group

The current release of the Science Tools remains v9r11. A new release may be coming this week. Among other things it will have P6_V4 and P6_V5 response functions that have been implemented by Riccardo. Jim reports that he has added them to irs/caldb v0r9. These new IRFs include azimuthal variation of the effective area and have the new (i.e., correct) implementation of the LPM effect. v4 was generated from an allGamma run without overlaid ghost events and v5

Data products: Reprocessing for Pass 7 is starting, sort of. Warren is working on the FT2 regeneration, which adds a few columns. The plan for event class designations is still converging, but doesn't have much time left to do it in.

Databases and related utilities

No news

Likelihood analysis

Jim reports: "There is a bug in the NewMinuit optimizer class that arises from an interface change to the Minuit2 library in ROOT v5.20 (this was discussed at last week's Software meeting). Pat is working on a fix." I'm afraid that I don't know any more details yet.

GRB tools

No news

Pulsar tools

No news (I asked late).

Observation simulation

Masa reported a bug in how the DATE-OBS keyword is set and another bug (now fixed) in how the TIMREF value is set in simulations. Most likely you will not notice unless you are trying to run the pulsar tools on simulated data.

User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)

No news

Source Catalog

Last some of the discussion was about refinements - needed and in progress - for the diffuse emission model. Jean also had a brief update about his investigation of th effect of adjusting convergence tolerance settings in likelihood (including gtfindsrc) analyses.