Versions Compared


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Attendees: Eliazar, Leinani, Elena,Patrick,    Josh, Rebecca, Eliazar, Dennis, Abigail, Leland, Armin, Maggie


  • Detector PDR tomorrow morning - zoom please if you are not a reviewer
    • please add Jim
  • When is hardstop/Raytrace RSC??
  • Mirror Bender FDR - last week!
    • expect feedback on cooling in the report (strongback)- suggestion for another thermal loop? or is there an argument against this? impacts of this suggestion?
    • still no report back
  • Lasers PDR - June?
  • Director's Review -next week
    • slides are in
  • New RP PRDS:
  • Infrastructure - MFX RDS will be ready for interim release once we update rack items; need an RDS for mezz? for now just put note on line items; if we need an RDS for mezz in future, whose responsibility is it?
    • Add mezz discussion: LCLSHE will generate, LCLS will complete; discuss with inf team .
    • include detector power
    • include multiplexing (instead pf beam to hutch 6) -needs to be worked out
      • diagnostics in HE will take zero order
      • diagnostics PPM can be removed in Y - stay clear in y is 5mm
      • ipm diodes cannot be removed by y motion (fixed)
      • other interferences: abandoned collimators, differential pumps
        • list of known items that need attention under MIE projects
    • day 1 endstation condition??? endstation inf? (umbilical patch panel)
  • KB Mirror
    • Next review - May 23/24 or 28/29 (substrates, coating, vessel, combined review of all 3 systems) - exact date TBD depending on reviewer availability
      • Docs for substrate and coatings review - all in review (should close by end of week)
      • working on slides ~60%
    • Spot size around new collimator after mirror is ~450-500um
    • multiplexing -catch up? see slides - waiting for doc from Matthieu
    • No hard target for defocus
    • 50um is largest spot size (hard to get large spots at higher energies): PRD0294.4205 (PRD -0294)
    • is still in draft....Meng's document...should we try to push this through?)
      • focal range?
        • 600mm upbeam (check range of energies)
    • ESD's supporting documents need to be released prior to reviewMirror FDR End March
      Documents are all in review
    • Bender - just waiting for Keith Rachels
    • Set review date with Armin
    • Mirror model - check references
    • Slides and Site setup by Thursday - Eliazar to help since Armin is out -
    • Integrating bypass for future passthrough- rad safety
    • Opened rev for Instrument PRD - added 2 new requirements
    • RP shielding
    • Thermal Enclosure- coordinate with Laser team on space stayclears
      • thermal analysis started to see how environment affects mirrors (straight translation!)
    • interfaces to RDS
    • multiplexing - how does this affect mirror motions?
      • IP has to move?
      • motion range looks ok
    • prep folder?
  • Documents:
    • Instrument PRD - R2 and out for review
      • update schem.
      • start review cycle
    • Engineering notes - vacuum analysis - updated and ready for release
    • Engineering notes - vacuum transient analysis - one more update
    • Inst. ESD rev??
    • ICD-1010 → capture scope changes - Rebecca this week (see above)
    • Detector PRD out for signature? check progress? Stuck at Hong, Debarger (closed?)
    • Detector PRD vs delivery plan - noise and well depth- are figures ok? is 10000photons @ 8keV ok (well depth)? noise <75e- vs <100 e-
      • xpp hole will be 5mm - we can reuse guidance tube design (same as epix 10k)
      • mfx assumption was we needed slightly larger hole? needed for laser? 
        • @ 450 mm away from IP, 5mm is a bit close.
    • Detector ICD - out for review soon
    • Detector PRD - side facing, sensor area?? (not scoped)
    • Detectors IRD in progress - Alex/Leland to look at
      • LFAD details looking ok–some questions about cryolines?
      • need SFAD - Leland has been updating
      • SM-MM is required here...cut/paste
    • ICD-Lasers 
      • out for review - signed ? pulled back? out for signatures again
    • Laser ESD
      • out for review- revisions requested
  • Mechanical Design
  • Common components
    • Small modification on exit window assy to include spacer
      • How is procurement going? approvals needed?
    • Can we modify collimator assy to include larger stand?
    • Assy procedures
      • walk through
      • LCLS vac shop - are we sure they can output level 1 parts/chambers?
      • service now for each assy ?
        • multiple things tracked within this
        • Leinani to catch Rebecca up...
      • test case this week?
    • Traveller - alignment team meeting tomorrow; very close!
      • one more pass with controls - this wednesday during controls meeting
      • space and time planning details
    • TAPS Awarded - next steps?
      • Can Angela help?
    • Stopper FMEA
      • engineering note (Josh/Rebecca) - emphasis on actions (on working site)
      • Josh filled out more of the missing material - Rebecca please check
      • prep for next meeting. try to close out FMEA
    • vacuum chambers for PPMs etc is next large procurement
    • Assembly Travelers
      • revision for WFS - Divya/Maggie will edit
      • we can apply these changes to other travelers too
    • ATM configs - see notes above
    • Exit window installation - tomorrow
    • Multiplexing ramifications?
      • XRT diagnostics/stopper
  • Controls
    • Jana - server DAQ space check on Wednesday
      • review rack space etc too
    • Space hunting
      • Meeting with Jana about mezzanine space this week - need at least one extra rack
      • understand timeline for availability
      • controls team will develop strategy (also have to consider cxi, dxs, etc)
      • what will happen with SMB experiment - currently it is occupying a full rack -
      • working on finding rack space for lasers
      • are we accounting for all controllers at this point (90U)? Need to refine count.
    • Window - 4 pane
    • discuss traveler on wednesday
    • preview of vac schematic last wednesday
    • per new scope direction please estimate required controls design work
      • multiplexing PMPS - documentation?
      • need updated vacuum and mech. schematics
    • Set up meeting with Matthieu regarding multiplexing scope
  • Multiplexing
    • muliplexing lead: Matthieu Chollet
    • Update from Hasan and Frank 12/8
    • raytrace (need to get files from Lance and Frank)- received 1/16
    • will start evaluating collimator location soon
  • Laser Off-mods layout
    • cable trays for transport
    • PDR might slip into May
    • Delta CDR for transport line in April
      • Slides are drafted (Matt)
      • some concepts are in the model - don't panic!
    • Dennis catching up with current concepts
      • Working on elevated table design, and side tables - accessibility
      • Patrick working on optical layouts, pictures soon!
      • extra space? underneath MODS table. (two chunks of spaces between legs) Lasers needs 24U underneath. Can we use that other 24U of space (low heat sources only)?
      • looking for space for electronics (work with Christina Pino, Mitchell Cabral, Vincent Esposito)
      • Controls rack shuffling - can laser team share rack profiles?
    • Documents!
    • Dennis - will touch base with Eli
    • Working on design for off mods tiles - Patrick doing a first pass this week
    • Off mods breadboard stand models (under MEC drift tube)
    • Can we shift beampipe stand (MEC and CXI) upstream?
    • Set up meeting for tile layout workflow
    • Drift stand on MEC - would be nice to move
    • Laser out coupling–what do you need in the beamline?
      • CXI has an in-vacuum design? (maybe talk to Leslie)
    • Space utilization - Patrick talk to Eli
    • optics locations draft?
    • optics categorization
    • ATM tiles? need a final design?
    • ejection layout
      • IP
      • LIC
    • Diagnostic stand interfaces (breadboards)
      • should attach to diagnostic stand?? not mods?
      • need mods to stand?
      • mount to floor instead?
    • Laser Transport?
  • Laser in coupling as designed should work as 
  • Equipment anchoring BIO review -complete
        • stands - complete
        • stopper - Jenna - complete
  • Controls Coordination - meet up to discuss status
      • CXI will host 16M detector power (one full size rack) but will it be close enough?
        • penetration from CXI? existing cable route?
        • back corner?
      • Detectors - what about small detectors?? small 140k Epix HR/UHR
      • OH Robot- yes, the robot will live on
      • Robot OH rack...chiller lives up there, MPOD, server
      • fiber infrastructure for 16M complete
      • vacuum eplan complete and reviewed
        • need new controllers in MFX (MKS 937s)
      • motion eplan is complete - needs review
        • common component connection
      • CC FDR review
      • FXT FDR last week - well done!
      • XRT stand naming DONE
      • Enclosures added to model
      • Rack profile planning ongoing
      • timing system?
        • each hutch has an ATC crate
        • data structure is different for HE - working with data and detectors team
        • fast scope? or virtual?
      • out of scope items - older vac equipment, cameras, and motors etc. : how is this tracked?
  • Temperature monitoring
    • Alex ordered more temperature loggers (10)
    • will place at KB locations and around hutch
    • Matt has old data - gave to Ariel
  •  Facilities
      • Water Routing → change to general facilities topics
        • RDS v2
        • meet with Kingston to discuss options for CO2 cooling
        • water routing work will be packaged with other facilities work and sent out for bid ~late summer
  • Detector Coord
      • detector mover limits
        • can move limit switches to get the stroke that we need
        • use this info to determine max detector envelope for IRD.
      • This Friday
        • CO2 implementation 
        • scientist to decide on types, quantities, need for first light
        • update PRDs?
      • ICD and IRDs in progress
        • interface details with detector mover
  • Laser coordination
      • temp requirement check - look at systems in place for more data
      • Added - struts on granite stand
      • Moved - the ion pump on diagn. std 2. next to ATM
      • Model - updated coordinate systems; stayclears will be added to laser model soon
      • ELi - will add stayclears for under table patch panels - need clearance requirements from Serge
      • Patrick working on PRD details (cacls to check if we can meet requirements)
      • ICD/PRD/Laser ESD still in progress
        • Focus on PRD (working on CXI first)
        • Patrick touch base with Alex?
      • DxS-MFX transport line is still not finalized
        • but it is the preference
      • ATM config?
        • up to 45 deg needed??? possible?
        • difference btwn L2Si vers and HE vers?
      • we are also ready to design laser out-coupling when laser team has details/requirements available
        • Does the detector situation matter? beam tube size? this geometry is important...
        • ideal hole diameter?
        • what is needed?
        • what is common ?
        • document on confluence and eventually in PRD
      • Resend Z location info to M. Greenberg - help him figure out divergence etc. which will let us know what hole diameter we need...
      • thermal issues (see below)
        • temp requirements?
        • current requirement in RDS: +/-0.5 deg C
        • better if laser outside of hutch?
  • Installation
      • CC RFI dates.
      • KB should fit now into schedule
  • Radiation safety
      • Need radiation safety PRD from Shanjie
      • raytace needs to incorporate gantry error
      • fast sensor - need to run for MFX
        • Elena to start this week. do requirements change for MFX in any way?
      • passive shields - Abigail
        • hands on 80/20 experience
      • photon dump design kicks off this month
        • photon dump size for MFX
          • it wil be ~ 1mx 1m
          • sensor selection - looking for a SME
        • ESD in progress with mechanics specified
      • ray trace
        • benchmark cases in progress
        • format question for output
        • walk through with RP during next meeting(s)
      • KB
        • Matt Seaberg - engineering note for KB hardstops
        • hardstops; beam size on photon dump with Matt/Alyssa
        • chiller check - rack space - under diag1
        • check perimeter (for enclosure) - in model
        • Status?
        • focus range
        • ESD documents? 
        • schedule -
