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Attendees: Will, Rebecca, AlexMay Ling,  Eliazar, Elena, Armin


  • PRD needs to go out for signatures
  • Substrate ESD (MFX/CXI) (0895) out for approval? Ping Lisa
  • Actuator (0899) out for review this week (ready for Matt's input)Actuator is out for approval (this week) - still working on sigs
  • DXS substrate (0918) ESD is also ready- waiting for signatures
  • Bender ESD (1074) out for signatures (this week) released
  • Engineering notes?
  • Slide flip
  • Working on FDR slides - in review folder
  • FDR Date? Before end March? April 5? - Will to verify by tomorrow? So invitations can be sent out?
    • Armin creating Indico site. Eliazar working on charge questions.
    • Slides complete.
    • Agenda prepared. 8am-10:30am
    • Goal is to complete slides this week.
    • Review committee: Hengzi Wang, Bob Baker, Lin Zhang, Matt Church. who is the chair?
    • build to print system (any external interfaces?-just the chamber...documented in bender ESD, chamber ESD, and in reference drawing)
    • system design plan - complete? Will has template.Armin has filled out. To review with Will.
    • interfaces: captured in MFX HE Hutch model: DSG-000015776; concept model of chamber/system: DSG-000018006 (unreleased); work on releasing before chamber ESD complete


  • multiplex - just check pitch range? - of chamber
    • check lance's trace
    • how can system accommodate both beams
  • RP follow-ups?
    • si reflections?
    • matt to verify Lin's calculations
    • engineering note
      • coating damage
  • Far Hall config. - where does this requirement go? MFX instrument PRD??? Or KB mirror PRD???
  • Design Progress
    • Chiller details (need to find space)
    • Thermal enclosures - need to add requirements to chamber ESD - active enclosure ($$)
      • mirror requires air outside of chamber to be stable to +/-.5C (+/-.1 inside) - numbers from Matt Seaberg- engineering note? where does worst case come from?
      • Old Data from MFX - MFX fluctuates by ~5 deg during experiments
      • New sensor data?
      • controls requirements?
      • RDS requirements?
      • temp requirements - updated in ESD
      • envelope requirements - updated in ESD??
    • Chamber Interface and Envelope - horiz. complete; vert almost done.
      • Randy is working on mechanical interface; working on cooling
  • PRD updates - separate sections (MFX, CXI, nanoCXI)
    • Need a decision about where to put bypass requirement
    • New requirement added - needs review then can go for sig.
    • can we review this? Leland! Alex!
      • stability
      • coatings- how many stripes, how big?, material; (current is B4C 14mm; Rh 6mm; no thickness specified - 50nm?)
        • reflectivity specification
        • ref. map (will can provide)
      • energy range
  • ESD Progress
    • Bender -
      • Progress 70%
      • New ESD and FDR material(Mirror, bender, actuator, chamber) for Bender. Documentation from L2SI not existing. Number and Title?
        • some analysis needed
        • ESD - a month of work?
        • models and drawing are near FDR level ~90%
        • undocumented analyses - should these be redone? who did this before? Danny and Lin? Only have CDR level stuff.
        • measurements of existing system - we have some metrology
        • do we have records of old requisitions? maybe those point to some other documentation...Eliazar may be able to help there (procurement team help)
      • In house procurement so drawings will serve as the document?
      • Engineering note explaining analysis and design choices + drawings? (will also need assembly traveller later) ; to supplement existing L2SI documentation?? ask May Ling
        • complete by end oct - driving review date
    • Chamber - ESD in work 99% -in review with Bob
      • Bob Baker and Jean Pierre have been reviewing
      • procurement - expected lead time 20months?
      • motion table in work - supporting doc
      • Will will upload - on working doc site
    • Mirror/Coating - ESD in work 99% -in review with Bob
      • will be combined with CXI
      • Need drawings and profiles for CXI
      • procurement - expected lead time 20months?
  • large displacement mirrors (in plan for DXS, CXI) - but not in plan for original MFX - need to specify this feature if we need it (also impacts radiation safety, exit flanges?, etc - other impacts to be consider)
  • Schedule - next milestones
    • SOW Chamber - 90%
    • SOW Substrates - 40%
    • Reviews:
      • (1)FDR Bender Systems- February 15th
        • common to CXI, DXS, MFX
        • review prep: reviewers (SLAC internal)
        • indico site
      • (2)MFX Optics System FDR/TPRR end of March?
        • chamber, actuator, substrates
      • SOW
      • (3) DXS separate review March?
      • (4) CXI separate review April?
