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Linac Locking - Phase Locker IOC PVs [sioc-sys0-ms10]

Register Configuration For Locked State

The registers have been tuned to achieve a lock in Production.  See below for the selected values.  These values are captured in autosave.

Image Removed


Currently, there is no phase locker test stand in Dev and hence only the Production display is available.


Code Block
[softegr@lcls-srv01 skoufis]$ cd $EPICS_IOCS/sioc-sys0-ms10/iocSpecificRelease/masterSourceApp/srcDisplay/
[softegr@lcls-srv01 skoufis]$ cat masterSourceApp/srcDisplay/README.phaselocker 

To run the phase locker screen in production, follow these steps from within this directory:

1. $ source /usr/local/lcls/epics/setup/epicsenv-
2. $ source /usr/local/lcls/tools/script/ENVS64.bash
3. $ pydm -m "PREFIX=PRL:SYS0:1" plocker.ui

Register Configuration For Locked State

The registers have been tuned to achieve a lock in Production.  See below the display with the selected values.  These values are also captured by autosave.

Image Added


The released software will be made available in the main IOC release area post-deployment (Dev: /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/iocTop/masterSource/, Production:/usr/local/lcls/epics/iocTop/masterSource/).  See below for the specific repositories and tags.
