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Executable/Athena interfaceBTagTrainingProcessing/bin/ca-dump-regression
Top level configurationconfigs/regression_EMPFlow*.jsonconfigs/regression_UFO.json

Image Added

We are currently using Athena release 23.0.26, this comes before Sam Van Stroud made a series of changes to the SoftElectronTruthDecoratorAlg in FTag tools that mostly broke things (in release 23.0.34 and 23.0.39). Note that Athena needs to be checked out, rather than AnalysisBase.

Component accumulatorWIP below

The component accumulator needs at least currently uses two algorithms for b-jet regression: the Jetmatcher algorithm that does dR matching of reco jet to truth jets and the dumper algorithm that dumps the DAOD info to h5. Algorithms are addes in two steps



After compilation (note that one must build on Athena rather than AnalysisBase, as per the advanced usage page), you can run a local test with:

ca-dump-jer -c configs/ftag_jer.json <test_FTAG1_file>

  • JetMatcherAlg: truth-reco jet matching

The following aliases can be used for convenient local testing:

Code Block
alias test_PHYSVAL="ca-dump-regression -c configs/regression_EMPFlow.json -j AntiKt4EMPFlow --soft-lepton -o PHYSVAL.EMPflow.test.100.h5 -m 100 /gpfs/slac/atlas/fs1/d/bbullard/BjetRegression/DAOD/PHYSVAL/mc20_13TeV/DAOD_PHYSVAL.29398576._003055.pool.root.1"
alias test_JETM2_EMPFlow="ca-dump-regression -c configs/regression_EMPFlow.json -j AntiKt4EMPFlow -o JETM2.EMPflow.test.100.h5 -m 100 /gpfs/slac/atlas/fs1/d/bbullard/BjetRegression/DAOD/JETM2/mc20_13TeV/DAOD_JETM2.35974512._003603.pool.root.1"

alias JETM2_test_file="/gpfs/slac/atlas/fs1/d/bbullard/BjetRegression/DAOD/JETM2/mc20_13TeV/DAOD_JETM2.35974512._003603.pool.root.1"
alias PHYSVAL_test_file="/gpfs/slac/atlas/fs1/d/bbullard/BjetRegression/DAOD/PHYSVAL/mc20_13TeV/DAOD_PHYSVAL.29398576._003055.pool.root.1"

Some additional truth information for the tracks will be useful. The addition of fields under the decorate part of the config didn't work with FTAG derivations. Some predefined decorations are in TDD docs.
