Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Data from the 6 December 2023 version of the Rack Map was copied into a master Google Sheet named MEC RACK DB. For now it only includes the hutch racks, not those on the mezzanine. Edit permission is reserved for me (Peregrine) at the moment - please let me know if you need that access.

Rack Data

The following columns are currently displayed on the first "Rack Data" sheet:

  • Rack
  • Side (FRONT/BACK)
  • Contents
  • Elevation
  • IMS Motor Channels
  • Newport Motor Channels

Additional columns will be added for, e.g. specifying which terminal server ports are in use and the routing of patch panels.

Besides "Rack Data" there are four other sheets which are filter views for:


This is a filter view of Rack Data.


=FILTER('Rack Data'!A:E,REGEXMATCH(UPPER('Rack Data'!C:C),"^DAQ-|^IOC-"))




IMS Motor Channels

peregrin@pslogin02:~$ more 
for fn in $(ls A list of IMS, NEWPORT, and SMARTACT motor channels is extracted from the IOC log files via a python script. The specific log files searched are /reg/d/iocData/ioc*mec*ims**/iocInfo/ioc.log);
istr=$(echo $fn | cut -f 5 -d "/");
cat $fn |
awk -F, -v ioc=$istr '{
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
   if (index($i, "MOTOR=")) mstr = substr($i,7,length($i));
   if (index($i, "PORT=")) pstr = substr($i,6,length($i)); 
   if (mstr != "" && pstr != "") {
        printf("%s,%s,%s\n", mstr, pstr, ioc);
done |
sort -k 2 -t , | uniq
Newport Motor Channels


The sheet columns are:

  • Motor Type
  • IOC
  • Channel
  • I/O