Versions Compared


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Includes status, proposed strategies. Newest entries are at the top.

February 10, 2009

Windows server problems of yesterday were addressed. Using vs_revamp code from GoGui, can now

  • build facilities package using Studio 7.1
  • almost build facilities using Studio 9.0

Before I started on the vs_revamp gambit, I could not compile facilities with Studio 9.0 because the include path was missing a directory containing some system include files.  That problem is now fixed.  The build now fails while trying to link the library:

Code Block

 Creating library facilities-02-18-02\build\XP-i386-32bit-Debug\facilities.lib
and object facilities-02-18-02\build\XP-i386-32bit-Debug\facilities.exp
Scheduler.obj :
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp___CrtDbgReportW referenced..

February 9, 2009

Checked out the vs_revamp branch from the SCons code repository.  Original plan was to use my existing 1.2.0 SCons installation and copy the new Windows stuff from vs_revamp into our site_tools/site_scons directory, but that failed in a mysterious way. Running vs_revamp in place according to instructions in a README file worked, but was not immediately compatible with invoking it from GoGui. Next I tried installing vs_revamp just as one would install the trunk (Subversion-speak for main branch) but couldn't get that to work either.  By writing a little .bat file wrapper I am now able to run the vs_revamp version of SCons from GoGui; that is, I can get as far with it as I can by invoking it from the command line.  That isn't very far at the moment because I can't reach the SLAC V disk, where the external libraries are. (There was a notice about problems with Windows servers today which, in theory, should not have touched any of the resources I need.)
