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Changing the quad settings

facet home → Profile Monitor → LI20 → SPEC LINE GUI


  • Leave big "Dipole" switch in "Without" setting (dipole energy is not adjusted)
  • Set "Z Object" to the position where the beam should be imaged, e.g., the center of the PB
  • Set "Z Image" to the position of the screen, e.g., z=2015.26 for DTOTR
  • M12, M34: transfer-matrix elements (set both to 0 for re-imaging)
  • Energy: determines where the focus is
  • Press "Calculate and Trim"


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Assumptions of this script:

  • Magnet length: 1m
    LEFF_QS0 = 1; % [m]
    LEFF_QS1 = 1; % [m]
    LEFF_QS2 = 1; % [m]
  • Quad positions:
    z_QS0 = 1996.98249; % [m], middle of quad
    z_QS1 = 1999.206615; % [m], middle of quad
    z_QS2 = 2001.431049; % [m], middle of quad
  • Other important positions:
    1993.27370    # [m] FILS
    1992.82000    # [m] PIC_CENT
    2015.62984    # [m] LFOV
    2017.52998    # [m] PRDMP

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Image Added

Changing the dipole settings

FACET script to calculate quad settings (E300_calc_QS_3.mat, Nov 13, 2023)

function [isok, BDES0, BDES1, BDES2] = E300_calc_QS_3(z_ob, z_im, QS, m12_req, m34_req)

keep_KQS0_eq_KQS2=1; % set to one if QS0=QS2

E0 = 10;
isok = 1;
if(nargin < 4); m12_req = 0; end;
if(nargin < 5); m34_req = 0; end;

% initial guesses (2012 values)
KQS0_0 = -0.3;
KQS1_0 = 0.23;
KQS2_0 = -0.3;

mytol = (0.01^2 + 0.01^2 );

% linac z locations of QS1 and QS2
z_QS0 = 1996.98249; % [m], middle of quad
z_QS1 = 1999.206615; % [m], middle of quad
z_QS2 = 2001.431049; % [m], middle of quad

LEFF_QS0 = 1; % [m]
LEFF_QS1 = 1; % [m]
LEFF_QS2 = 1; % [m]

OO = zeros(2,2);

d1 = (z_QS0-LEFF_QS0/2) - z_ob ;
d2 = (z_QS1-LEFF_QS1/2) - (z_QS0+LEFF_QS0/2);
d3 = (z_QS2-LEFF_QS2/2) - (z_QS1+LEFF_QS1/2);
d4 = z_im - (z_QS2+LEFF_QS2/2);

M_01 = [1 d1; 0 1];
M4_01 = [M_01 OO; OO M_01];
M_02 = [1 d2; 0 1];
M4_02 = [M_02 OO; OO M_02];
M_03 = [1 d3; 0 1];
M4_03 = [M_03 OO; OO M_03];
M_04 = [1 d4; 0 1];
M4_04 = [M_04 OO; OO M_04];
options = optimset('TolX',1e-8);  
if keep_KQS0_eq_KQS2
    [fit_result, chi2] = fminsearch(@transportError_2, [KQS0_0 KQS1_0],options);
    BDES0 =  fit_result(1) * (E0+QS) * LEFF_QS0 / 0.0299792458;
    BDES1 =  fit_result(2) * (E0+QS) * LEFF_QS1 / 0.0299792458;
    BDES2 =  fit_result(1) * (E0+QS) * LEFF_QS2 / 0.0299792458;
    [fit_result, chi2] = fminsearch(@transportError, [KQS0_0 KQS1_0 KQS2_0],options);
    BDES0 =  fit_result(1) * (E0+QS) * LEFF_QS0 / 0.0299792458;
    BDES1 =  fit_result(2) * (E0+QS) * LEFF_QS1 / 0.0299792458;
    BDES2 =  fit_result(3) * (E0+QS) * LEFF_QS2 / 0.0299792458;

if(chi2 > mytol)
    isok = 0;
    warning('could not converge to solution');
    BDES0 = NaN;
    BDES1 = NaN;
    BDES2 = NaN;

BMAX = 385; % max value, from SCP
if(abs(BDES1) > BMAX || abs(BDES2) > BMAX || abs(BDES0) > BMAX)
    isok = 0;
    warning('solution is outside QS range');

    function chi2 = transportError(K)
        % QS0 transport matrix
        k = abs(K(1));
        phi = LEFF_QS0*sqrt(k);
        M_F = [cos(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sin(phi)
            -sqrt(k)*sin(phi)    cos(phi)];
        M_D = [cosh(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sinh(phi)
            sqrt(k)*sinh(phi)    cosh(phi)];
        M4_D1 = [M_D OO; OO M_F];
        % QS1 transport matrix
        k = abs(K(2));
        phi = LEFF_QS1*sqrt(k);
        M_F = [cos(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sin(phi)
            -sqrt(k)*sin(phi)    cos(phi)];
        M_D = [cosh(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sinh(phi)
            sqrt(k)*sinh(phi)    cosh(phi)];
        M4_F = [M_F OO; OO M_D];
        % QS2 transport matrix
        k = abs(K(3));
        phi = LEFF_QS2*sqrt(k);
        M_F = [cos(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sin(phi)
            -sqrt(k)*sin(phi)    cos(phi)];
        M_D = [cosh(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sinh(phi)
            sqrt(k)*sinh(phi)    cosh(phi)];
        M4_D2 = [M_D OO; OO M_F];

        % dump line optics
        M4 = M4_04*M4_D2*M4_03*M4_F*M4_02*M4_D1*M4_01;
        chi2 = (M4(1,2)-m12_req)^2 + (M4(3,4)-m34_req)^2;

    function chi2 = transportError_2(K)
        % QS0 transport matrix
        k = abs(K(1));
        phi = LEFF_QS0*sqrt(k);
        M_F = [cos(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sin(phi)
            -sqrt(k)*sin(phi)    cos(phi)];
        M_D = [cosh(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sinh(phi)
            sqrt(k)*sinh(phi)    cosh(phi)];
        M4_D1 = [M_D OO; OO M_F];
        % QS1 transport matrix
        k = abs(K(2));
        phi = LEFF_QS1*sqrt(k);
        M_F = [cos(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sin(phi)
            -sqrt(k)*sin(phi)    cos(phi)];
        M_D = [cosh(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sinh(phi)
            sqrt(k)*sinh(phi)    cosh(phi)];
        M4_F = [M_F OO; OO M_D];
        % QS2 transport matrix
        k = abs(K(1));
        phi = LEFF_QS2*sqrt(k);
        M_F = [cos(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sin(phi)
            -sqrt(k)*sin(phi)    cos(phi)];
        M_D = [cosh(phi)             (1/sqrt(k))*sinh(phi)
            sqrt(k)*sinh(phi)    cosh(phi)];
        M4_D2 = [M_D OO; OO M_F];

        % dump line optics
        M4 = M4_04*M4_D2*M4_03*M4_F*M4_02*M4_D1*M4_01;
        chi2 = (M4(1,2)-m12_req)^2 + (M4(3,4)-m34_req)^2;
