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Here's a sample python script, how you can analyze a run with an integrating detector (in this example, it's 'andor'). For more detail about the technical design, visit this page.

Two keys variables when running in integrating-detector mode: PS_SMD_N_EVENTS (and environment variable) which is how many events SMD0 will send to each EB core, and the batch_size kwarg which controls how many events the EB cores send to the BD cores.  When running integrating detectors then the "units" of these two variables change from being "high-rate events" to being "low-rate integrating-detector events".  batch_size should be set to less than PS_SMD_N_EVENTS.  We can consider trying to simplify this interface in the future.

Code Block
# This `batch_size`The PS_SMD_N_EVENTS should be set to a small number (e.g. 1)
# since all other events which are part of this intg. event will be sent
# in the same batch. batch.

import os
os.environ['PS_SMD_N_EVENTS'] = '1'
batch_size = 1

from psana import DataSource
ds = DataSource(exp='xpptut15', run=1, dir='/cds/data/psdm/prj/public01/xtc/intg_det',
run = next(ds.runs())
hsd = run.Detector('hsd')
andor = run.Detector('andor')

# Test calculating sum of the hsd for each integrating event.
sum_hsd = 0
for i_evt, evt in enumerate(
    hsd_calib = hsd.raw.calib(evt)
    andor_calib = andor.raw.calib(evt)

    # Keep summing the value of the other detector (hsd in this case)
    sum_hsd += np.sum(hsd_calib[:])/
    # When an integrating event is found, print out and reset the sum variable
    if andor_calib is not None:
        val_andor = np.sum(andor_calib[:])/
        print(f'i_evt: {i_evt} andor: {val_andor} sum_hsd:{sum_hsd}')
        sum_hsd = 0


Code Block
from psana import DataSource
from psmon import publish
from psmon.plots import Image,XYPlot
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()

# The PS_SMD_N_EVENTS should be set to a small number (e.g. 1)
# since all other events which are part of this intg. event will be sent
# in the same batch.
os.environ['PS_SMD_N_EVENTS'] = '1'

if rank==4: # hack for now to eliminate use of publish.local below

# we will remove this for batch processing and use "psplot" instead
# publish.local = True

def my_smalldata(data_dict):
    if 'unaligned_andor_norm' in data_dict:
        andor_norm = data_dict['unaligned_andor_norm'][0]
        myplot = XYPlot(0,"Andor (normalized)",range(len(andor_norm)),andor_norm

ds = DataSource(exp='rixx1003821',run=46,dir='/cds/data/psdm/prj/public01/xtc',intg_det='andor_vls',batch_size=1)
for myrun in ds.runs():
    andor = myrun.Detector('andor_vls')
    timing = myrun.Detector('timing')
    smd = ds.smalldata(filename='mysmallh5.h5',batch_size=1000, callbacks=[my_smalldata])
    norm = 0
    ndrop_inhibit = 0
    for nstep,step in enumerate(myrun.steps()):
        for nevt,evt in enumerate(
            andor_img = andor.raw.value(evt)
            # also need to check for events missing due to damage
            # (or compare against expected number of events)
            ndrop_inhibit += timing.raw.inhibitCounts(evt)
            smd.event(evt, mydata=nevt) # high rate data saved to h5
            # need to check Matt's new timing-system data on every
            # event to make sure we haven't missed normalization
            # data due to deadtime
            norm+=nevt # fake normalization
            if andor_img is not None:
                print('andor data on evt:',nevt,'ndrop_inhibit:',ndrop_inhibit)
                # check that the high-read readout group (2) didn't
                # miss any events due to deadtime
                if ndrop_inhibit[2]!=0: print('*** data lost due to deadtime')
                # need to prefix the name with "unaligned_" so
                # the low-rate andor dataset doesn't get padded
                # to align with the high rate datasets
                smd.event(evt, mydata=nevt,
