Versions Compared


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Code Block
from psana import DataSource
import numpy as np
import os

# OPTIONAL callback with "gathered" small data from all cores.
# usually used for creating realtime plots when analyzing from
# DAQ shared memory. Called back on each SRV node.
def my_smalldata(data_dict):

# Use this function to decide if you want to fetch large data for this event  
# and/or direct an event to process on a particular 'rank' 
# (this rank number should be between 1 and total no. of ranks - 3 
# since 3 ranks are reserved). If this detector is needed, make sure 
# to define this detector in as_smds argument for DataSource (see below).
# All epics and scan detectors are available automatically.
def smd_callback(run):
    opal = run.Detector('tmo_opal1')
    epics_det = run.Detector('IM2K4_XrayPower')

    n_bd_nodes = 3 # for mpirun -n 6, 3 ranks are reserved so there are 3 bd ranks left

    for i_evt, evt in enumerate(
        img = opal.raw.image(evt)
        epics_val = epics_det(evt)
        dest = (evt.timestamp % n_bd_nodes) + 1

        if epics_val is not None:
            # Set the destination (rank no.) where this event should be sent to
            yield evt

# sets the number of h5 files to write. 1 is sufficient for 120Hz operation
# optional: only needed if you are saving h5.

ds = DataSource(exp='tmoc00118', run=222, dir='/cds/data/psdm/prj/public01/xtc',
        max_events  = 10,
        detectors   = ['epicsinfo', 'tmo_opal1', 'ebeam'],  # only reads these detectors (faster)
        smd_callback= smd_callback,                         # smalldata callback (see notes above)
        small_xtc   = ['tmo_opal1'],                        # detectors to be used in smalldata callback

# batch_size is optional. specifies how often the dictionary of small
# user data is gathered.  if you write out large data (NOT RECOMMENDED) it needs to be set small.
smd = ds.smalldata(filename='mysmallh5.h5', batch_size=5, callbacks=[my_smalldata])

for run in ds.runs():
    opal = run.Detector('tmo_opal1')
    ebeam = run.Detector('ebeam')

    runsum  = np.zeros((3),dtype=float) # beware of datatypes when summing: can overflow
    for evt in
        img = opal.raw.image(evt)
        photonEnergy = ebeam.raw.ebeamPhotonEnergy(evt)
        if img is None or photonEnergy is None: continue
        evtsum = np.sum(img)
        # pass either dictionary or kwargs
        smd.event(evt, evtsum=evtsum, photonEnergy=photonEnergy)
        runsum += img[0,:3] # local sum on one mpi core
    # optional summary data for whole run
    if smd.summary:
        tot_runsum = smd.sum(runsum) # sum (or max/min) across all mpi cores. Must be numpy array or None.
        # pass either dictionary or kwargs
        smd.save_summary({'sum_over_run' : tot_runsum}, summary_int=1)

Excluding Detectors

You can exclude detectors when creating a new datasource with xdetectors=[] argument.

Code Block
# Create a datasource and tell it to exclude two detectors
from psana import DataSource
ds = DataSource(exp='tmoc00118', run=222, dir='/cds/data/psdm/prj/public01/xtc',
        xdetectors  = ['hsd'],      # all other detectors will be available
        max_events  = 10)
run = next(ds.runs())

# Create these detectors normally 
opal = run.Detector('tmo_opal1')
ebeam = run.Detector('ebeam')
for i, evt in enumerate(
    img = opal.raw.image(evt)
    photonEnergy = ebeam.raw.ebeamPhotonEnergy(evt)
    print(f'got evt={i} ts={evt.timestamp} img={img.shape} {photonEnergy=}')

Note that other detectors that are also part of the excluded stream will also be excluded. You'll see a warning message like this one:

Code Block
Warning: Stream-8 has one or more detectors matched with the excluded set. All detectors in this stream will be excluded.

If you're trying to access detectors that are part of the excluded list, you'll see DetectorNameError  message below:

Code Block
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/cds/home/m/monarin/lcls2/psana/psana/tests/", line 12, in <module>
    ebeam = run.Detector('ebeam')
  File "/cds/home/m/monarin/lcls2/psana/psana/psexp/", line 119, in Detector
    raise DetectorNameError(err_msg) No available detector class matched with ebeam. If this is a new detector/version, make sure to add new class in detector folder.

Accessing Event Codes

LCLS1-style event codes can be accessed using the "timing" detector:
