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  • Set hutch to “Class 1”, or “Class 4 Glass Laser”, or “Class 4 Dual Laser”, or “Class 4 Split Mode
  • At the LSS display, badge in and open Shutter S4, and press the “Press to reset interlocks"
  • Turn on four TDK Lambda power supplies. Power switch to “1” .Press the tiny “out” button at each of the 4 supplies.

Figure 1: TDK Lambda power supplies

  • Turn on six eDrives: keys and power buttons

Figure 2: six eDrives

  • Turn on four chillers

Figure 3: 4 chillers

  • Switch on NP Photonics Seed Laser: toggle the “pump” switch from position 0 to 1. You will see PWR ramp up to around 140mW.

Figure 4: NP Photonics seed laser

Turn on YFE

Do the following on the terminal:


  • meclas.LPL.psmenu(): this command gives you a list of recipes to choose from

Figure 5: choose the pulse recipe: use commend "meclas.LPL.psmenu()"

  • Type in the recipe from the menu list, for example, l56 == "U10ns00gradE100J"
  • meclas.LPL.psefc10Hz(numIterQ=150): run this command you will shape the 10Hz pulse as designed. It's a feedback loop and numIterQ = x tells it to run x times of iteration. The lower left figure shows all the parameters you can set. The lower right figure shows the 10Hz pulse (blue) and designed shape (red). For more detail please check how to make a new recipe

Figure 6: shape the 10Hz pulse as designed. 

Open the beam monitor cameras


  • Make sure the final shutter, T3a and T3b, are closed. If it is open, make sure things are properly blocked inside the target chamber.
  • check event sequence configuration: play status "stopped" in case the lamps got misfired.
  • change camera trigger to "single shot": in MEC Home> EVR > New MEC LAS EVR > Front Panel B change to 182 (single shot) from 43 (10Hz)
  • change Ns Slicer and Lamps to single shot: Long pulse laser operation> click Single buttons on NsSlicer and Lamps
  • Charge: MEC:PFN> click "stop", "Stand By", "Ready" and "Charge"
  • Fire: click "single shot"
  • run postshot: "meclas.LPL.pspostshot(save_flag = True, display = True)" it shows a plot and energy output.
  • or show energy meter: "meclas.EMeters.Gall()"

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