Versions Compared


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stag -help


Wiki Markup
*stag* _pkgName_ *\-note="*{_}text-for-release.notes{_}*" (-major \| \-minor \| \-patch \| \-custom="*{_}custom-version-string{_}*"*) \[*\-cvspath="*{_}path-relative-root{_}*"*\] \[*\-branch="*{_}alternate-branch{_}*"*\] _pkgName_

Value of -cvspath defaults to pkgName. Value of -branch defaults to MAIN.  If -branch is specified and is anything other than MAIN, -custom must be used and its value must follow the form for tags along a branch, namely  dd-dd-dd-aadd where all the d's are digits and the a's are alphabetic characters, e.g. 01-02-00-gr01.  If -custom is specified for a  main branch tag its value must be of the form dd-dd-dd.
