Versions Compared


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The main cube script is ./producers/, but this file should generally not be modified. The configuration is done through a hutch-specific file of the type ./producers/cube_config_<hutch>.py.

Config file

The configuration consists of the following main points (see example below too):


Code Block
import numpy as np

# custom bins
def binBoundaries(run):
    if isinstance(run,str):
    if run>0:
        return np.arange(-5.,50.,0.2)
    return None

# filters to apply to the data
# format: list of [det (field), low, high, name]
# 'filter1' is the standard name and will not be added to the h5 file name.
filters = [

# Laser on/off.
laser = True

# List detectors to be cubed. Area detector have additional options such as threshold
# For now only full image or calib works. TODO: Add photon maps. And then any detObjectFunc
# Detectors should then be added to varList
detDict = {'source':'jungfrau1M',

varList = ['ipm2/sum','ipm3/sum','diodeU/channels', detDict]

# histogram configuration. Usually does not need to be changed
# field: destination in smd, list: [low,high,n] or None (then default to some percentile)
hist_list = {
    'ipm2/sum': [0, 5e4, 70],
    'ipm3/sum': [0, 5e3, 70],
    'tt/FLTPOS_PS': [-0.5, 0.5, 70],
    'tt/AMPL': [0, 0.2, 70],
    'tt/FLTPOSFWHM': [0, 300, 70]

# save as tiff file (ignore unless MEC)
save_tiff = False

Cube file output