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Code Block
hps-recon-client --host localhost my.cmd

Example Scripts


Configuration Properties


Saving Plots


Creating and Accessing Plots using Remote AIDA


Using JAS3 to Access Remote AIDA Plots


Using a Java Webapp to Access Remote AIDA Plots





Using a Java Webapp to Access Remote AIDA Plots

Setup the Web Application

First install Tomcat and start it (not covered here). I used the 9.0.41 version.

Download and build the webapp from github:

Code Block
git clone
cd hps-online-recon-webapp
mvn clean install war:war -DskipTests

Now go to the Tomcat manager webpage, usually at:

Click Choose File in the manager and select the war file at hps-online-recon-webapp/target/HPSRecon.jar

Click Deploy to start the webapp. If there is a previous installation of the war file, then first click on Undeploy under Applications to remove it, or this step will fail.

Should there be trouble with the application, error messages can be found in the Tomcat log files at $TOMCAT_DIR/logs

The connection to the remote AIDA server is defined in hps-online-recon-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml

The default value is:

Code Block

Should the AIDA server's settings be changed, this MUST be updated and the webapp redeployed.

Viewing the Plots

Anyone can view the combined plots in a webpage, provided the aggregator is running and the URL is accessible.

Go to the webpage to view the plots, which would typically be:


If there is an error, probably the online reconstruction server is not running.

The plots should show in the frame on the left of the window:

Image Added

They are organized by folders (directories) in the aida tree.

Click on one of the plots to show it:

Image Added

Installing the ET Ring Software

If you are running outside Hall B for testing purposes, the ET project is required for creating a local ET ring and using a producer to stream EVIO files onto it. (This is not needed for actual data runs in Hall B.)


The scons command may not be present in your environment (installation not covered here).

FIXME: The ET installation requires some hacking of the build files. (Checkin to git fork?)

Running the ET Ring

If you are testing and not taking data from a run then you need to start your own ET server to provide EVIO events, using a command like:


Experiment with the settings that seem to work best for your machine.

Running an Event Producer

To do anything useful with the ET ring, we need to stream HPS event data onto it, which can be done using a command like:
