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Science Tools Working Group

We did not meet this week; we will meet next week.

As of Monday, the current version of the Science Tools is v9r3p2. Here are the differences from v9r3p1; see also Jim's notes in the Likelihood section below.

Data products: No news about the proposed updates to the definitions of the contents of FT1 and contents of FT2. David has prepared a draft specification of the format of the livetime cubes (from gtltcube) for the FITS Format Definition document. These files have not actually had a lot of attention recently in terms of binning in inclination angle - sqrt(1-cos(theta)) - but they do the job.

Databases and related utilities

As of Wednesday this week, the problems with the event selection parameters of the headers of the FITS files produced by the Astro Data Server have been solved, although the DATASERV-97 issue had not yet been marked as resolved.

Regarding the GSSC server, Tom reports: "There was a bug that was preventing the server from executing queries after an ingest. Some of you may have noticed that when you sent queries and clicked on the results page it told you you were >15th in the queue and the estimated time was negative. That bug has now been fixed and things seems to be working fine."

Likelihood analysis

From Jim:

  • I fixed a bug in gtselect where it wrote the incorrect header keywords for TSTART and TSTOP. This affected the running of gtmktime on the resulting file.
  • I added access to the Minuit and NewMinuit covariance matrix from pyLikelihood.
  • I fixed the bug in the livetime calcuation in gtltcube where it mistakenly skipped the first relevant time interval.
  • I tagged ST v9r3p2 on Monday. This includes these changes, except for the the gtltcube fix.

GRB tools

No news.

Pulsar tools

Masa reports that he and James are continuing work on gtptest.

David Smith this week posted some detailed comments on potential additional capabilities for the pulsar tools. My understanding from Masa is that the Chris is arranging a discussion this week at the GSSC about which of the proposed capabilities will be adopted for the Science Tools that the GSSC will support for the distribution to guest investigators.

Observation simulation

No news.

User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)

No news

Source Catalog

Met again this week. This week's meeting included a presentation from Jean about representing uncertainties in spectral fits, and an update about the list of detectable sources in the obssim2 simulation. Toby gave an update on pointlike for detecting sources and Jean presented an investigation of improving the sensitivity of the mrfilter source detection algorithm by optimizing external quantities, such as the binning of the input maps.