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IMPORTANT NOTE: The meeting is setup set up to record automatically. By joining the meeting you are agreeing to being be recorded. (see details. 

Also, note that daylight savings time will kick in on Sunday 3/10. Therefore, please consult the time conversion table here.

What: PingER Standing Meeting

When: Mar 14, 2019, 10:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Where: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

How to set up and use Zoom:

To use the software, you would have to download the Zoom client (and installed if prompted). The instructions to do so are listed here:

The instructions about setting up the software are listed at the URL below. You may want to create an account if you do not have one already. If you are invited to a meeting (i.e., you are not hosting the meeting), you are not required to create an account; you can simply join the meeting using the meeting ID.


  • Title (tentative): Correlation Analysis between network performance and GDP of a country using PingER data. Abstract (tentative):
    This paper aims towards finding the correlation between Gross domestic product (GDP) of a country and it’s network performance (ping analysis) 

    using PingER data. Email ID: Naman Madan, 
  • Title (tentative): Comparison of network performance of India and Pakistan using PingER data. Abstract (tentative):
    This paper aims at comparing the network performance of India and Pakistan using the PingER network performance data of 2-3 years of both the countries , and applying clustering to the year-wise data. Comparing the number of components in each cluster will help in concluding the quality of the network performance. More the number of the components, with the least average RTT, better the performance. Email ID: Vishwani Sati, 
  • Title (tentative): Data packets loss prediction due to environmental factors.
    Abstract (tentative): Pinger data losses during certain environmental factors like – Earthquakes, heavy rainfalls, Tsunamies Tsunamis etc, are a major concern for the big companies, delay of few seconds will lead to huge customer breakdown. To deal with this situation, we will analyze the data losses trend with respect to the external environmental factors and will predict the data losses beforehand so that company will have upper hand if some crises stricks in future. We will analyze the Pinger data and environmental conditions attributes and will make an algorithm that will predict the losses in pinger data. Email: Gurpreet Singh,


Next meeting:  There will be a Doodle poll, March April week 1115th-14th 18th 10 pm Pacific time; a day later 1110:00 am Pakistan time; 1110:30 am India time; 21:00 pm Malaysian & Guangzhou time;  12:00 pm Thailand time; 87:00 am Jordan time.  We moved the time forward by 2 hours to accommodate the time in Jordan.  


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