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  • Future meetings are moved to Tuesdays Pacific time.
  • Figure out how to move forward with the Android PingER project, in particular, schedule a meeting. 
    • We await a response from 3 emails sent to Amity on thisTrying to set a date.
  • Les: invited Dr. Taha to join the pinger-my email list.  Dr Taha joined 9/9/2018. Completed
  • Wajahat: will provide a list of working or potentially working (e.g. being worked on) Pakistani MAs to Les. Les sent a reminder email to Wajahat 10/3They are working on nodes as of email 10/6/2018.
  • Saqib and Les: worked on being able to gather data from  2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3 IPv6 node in Beijing working again.
    • Les and Saqib added a lot of debugging capability, appears to be successfully working since 9/11/2018. - Completed
  • Umar: update his section on the comparison IPv6 vs IPv4 ping RTTs and TCP vs ICMP/ping RTTs. Les sent reminder 10/3/2018.
  • Johari: enter Umar and Dr. Taha into, Les sent reminder email 10/3/2018.
  • Charnsak: We need to get the latest measurement agent script installed at Ubru so we can get better logging and see why the other hosts are not being monitored. Les believes the current logging is sufficient. It would not hurt, in fact, provide a slight improvement, if it is updated. Completed.


We need to think about how to handle these hosts with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. I am leaning towards moving to the future and simply changing the IPv4 addresses to IPv6 addresses. IN In a few cases we may be able to find two hosts at a site, using an IPv4 address on one and an IPv6 on the other. This is the simplest solution. Doing this loses having a historical record of a target with both an IPv4 and IPv6 address. Umar and Les have some scripts that enable comparisons to be made between access to a host via its IPV4 and its IPv6 address without using the PingER data. An alternative would be to also have a pseudo name for such ambiguous hosts, another would be to modify the database schema. Both of the latter two would require changes to the code in several places.


  • ( down since Nov 22/2017. Wajahat recommends continuing at least until the new student is up to speed (3/8/2018). No data available 3/24/2018. Disabled 10/3/2018. Wajahat emailed 10/12/2018.
    • status is that the concerned person is on leave and the other person doesn't know any status of the system at site. 
  • last time we were able to gather any data was February 27th. Disabled 8/19/2018. Wajahat emailed 10/12/2018.
      • status is that the system at node is totally out of order. The system isn't in working condition. The concerned person there requires full technical support on how the linux can be installed and used. He knows windows only. He also requires all the support on making the system run the pinger scripts etc.
    • For several months we were unable to gather data from starting  unable to gather data since 3/6/2018, also does  also it did not ping.It is  Then it started working as of September 2nd, 2018 and we gathered data for 3 days. Failed again starting on Sept 5th. It is pinging however all pings fail At this time (Sept 6th) it was pinging, however, all pings failed (i.e. no response after 31 pings. Email sent to Wajahat 9/18/2018.Wajahat says they will get these nodes up. These have been good nodes. They just need the weekly push. NUST will push them soon.  No update 8/9/2018). Now (10/14/2018) it is not pingable.

    UAF/GHZU (Updated 8/9/2018)
