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Wajahat Hussain+ (SEECS), Saqib+ (GZHU); Johari? (UNIMAS);  Adib? (UUM); Dr. Charnsak Srisawatsakul? (Ubru), Les+, Bebo+, Umar-

  • + Confirmed attendance


  • ; - Responded but  Unable to attend:


  • ? Individual emails sent
Actual Attendees






Need to add Umar Kalim to From the 7/5/2018 meeting: Johari can't ssh into the server so he will go to it on Monday.  He will also upload the new UNIMAS PingER website next week.

Sent reminder email emails 8/6/2018. 9/3/2018.

UUM (No update 8/9/2018, No update 9/6/2018)


UAF/GHZU (Updated 78/9/2018)

Saqib's future at GZHU will be much clearer after 3 months (i.e. November). His current contract expires February 2019. 


  • Looking into moving PingER to a "blockchain" database good for decentralizing distribution of data. Monitoring sites would then be able to write to a distributed ledger. This would change the architecture to a more peer to peer architecture. It helps with continuity of PingER since reduces dependence on a single site (SLAC). See BlockChain in Future PingER Projects. Bebo sent several references to Saqib who has looked at them. We could start with real-time data without including the whole archive, i.e. in parallel to the continued centrally managed archive. It would be a private Blockchain and hence not be as compute intensive as a public blockchain. 
  • There was a meeting to discuss blockchain possibilities, see 20180709 PingER Meeting on Blockchains
  • Bebo's impression is that Saqib will lead in putting the ides in his paper into practice. Saqib will need some students.  Saqib is OK with this. He has 2 masters students but they are working in different areas.  Maybe NUST can assist with this.Saqib's partner gave a talk/paper on work so far at the New York meeting on July 31st. The talk went fine but there were not many comment/questions.
  • Saqib is pursuing PingER and Blockchain. He is looking at different references shared by Prof. Bebo and the implementation details using Hyperledger Fabric. Saqib is looking at making a test implementation. The blocksize will be 2MB-10MB. It does not appear to be computationally expensive. He will start testing with Internet of Things measurements such as humidity and temperature
  • There was a discussion on the use of DataBases and whether they could be avoided by caches. Hyperlogic keys are not in an SQL DB, basically, it appears like a cache.  there was a question whether a 10MB block would be adequate for PingER. For example, PingER from SLAC has about 700+ targets, the measurements are each 30 mins (48/day) and for pings of 100B and 1000 Bytes i.e. 2*48*700 measurements and each measurement is ~ 140Bytes, so a day's sets of measurements from just SLAC is ~ 10MBytes. We could choose to ignore the 1000Byte pings which would reduce it to ~ 5MBytes/day. The latency of retrieving a block is proportional to the block size. Things will be clearer after the test set up is in use.
