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UAF/GHZU (Updated 5/5/2018))


Saqib submitted the Camera ready paper on  “A Blockchain-based Decentralized Data Storage and Access Framework for PingER” and it has been accepted in Trustcom2018.


Two previously accepted papers are now online on the following links.


IPv6 node in Beijing is up and running for the last 3 7 weeks but not available from outside China. Does this host have a name or what is its Iv6 Address (is the latter  2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bdf3)? Is it possible to make it accessible from say SLAC ( Is there an update?outside China. It does not appear possible to make the host accessible outside China. We are looking at alternates (e.g. pushing the data from Beijing to SLAC).

Discussion item

Saqib sent an Saqib sent email to the team:

in In early years of PingER, the framework was was designed to check  check the latency and other Internet performance metrics between CERN and SLAC to facilitate the data transfer between the two sites.

Discussion item

Saqib sent an email:

I am thinking, is there any possibility to use PingER to monitor the health of the Bitcoin blockchain network? Since the latency is critical in Bitcoin blockchain network as all the incentives depend on the propagation of transactions and mined blocks. Thus, I am only interested in measuring the latency to check its effect on the propagation of the transactions and mined block among different mining pools. I think if we can do such thing on a historical basis as PingER already does for the Internet, it will increase the worth of the framework and its usability.

Maybe a few test experiments can guide us to a good research paper. I am not sure about the feasibility idea, therefore, need your kind feedback


HostStatelast seenStatus downNov 29, 2017 ( DownNov 22nd, 2017 27, 2018 6, 2018 
pinger2.if.ufrj.brFlaky, down since 4/28/2018, and out of disk space, pinger.xml truncated, emaile, sent email 4/28/2017, they are looking at itApril 4/28/2018Fixed 5/26/2018.
pingeramity.inIt is partially working. Now working on missing beacons.txt file and missing data (i.e data disappears a few hours after it is measured and saved at MA). Also it is unable to access 27, 2018

Unable to gather data since 5/26/2018. Unable to ping. Sent email to Adib 6/1/2018.May 26/2018. 
netmon.physics.carleton.caUnable to gather data, host is pingable, emailed contact 6/4/2018.June 1st, 2018 

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Thursday, June 7th July 5th 9pm Pacific time; Friday, June 8thJuly 6th, 2018  9:00am Pakistan time; 12:00noon Malaysian & Guangzhou time; and 11am Thailand time.
