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Amity (Updated 5/28/2018)

  • Their PingER MA is up and running and we are successfully gathering some data.  
    • However, there is a problem with not being able to find data in the requested time window.
    • There is also a problem with a missing beacons.txt
    • Les i is working with Amity
  • The Android version of the PingER MA is now looking at how to store the data and set up a proxy.
    • We are looking at how to store the data and set up a proxy 


Charnsak would like to have write access to parts of the PingER Wiki site. Les investigated and it appears this can be done, even if Charsack does not have a SLAC account. Les and sent Charnsak the relevant information after the previous meeting.  Was this successful?

UUM (Updated 6/7/2018)


Regarding the paper " Socioeconomic Development indices and their Reflection on Internet Performance in the ASEAN Countries ", Adib tried the Elsevier Telecommunications journal. They responded and Adib commented: 

  1. insufficient understanding of the complexities in the cauality argumentation and related findings. 

    Adib responds: we have addressed IEEE access reviewers' comments carefully. complexities and even  validation can be further enhanced, but our data is a bit limited, we have only ten values  for each index. We have no data available for ALL indices in 2017 (the year this study was conducted), not even 2016. Values of all social economic indices re only available in 2015. I would suggest to consider this point in our next paper, where we can update our internet performance data to 2018, and hopefully other indices data are available as well.

  2. the relevant previous literature is not well addressed 

     Adib responds: Actually, we reduced LR session to minimize the paper size so it can meet the journal requirements. Adding more LR can be done, but then the size will be increased again. In fact, not many close and recent papers were published in this particular area. so it is not necessary to add more LR, especially we are not comparing our final model with them. 

  3. As a minor but still disturbing deficiency, references to the cited papers are incomplete. 
    Adib agrees and its is it is already amended


Adib will submit the paper to World Development



Unable to gather data from

Adib, Bebo, Les met with Southampton Web observatory person. There seemed to be enthusiasm. Adib was going to send some materials to Southampton. The person at Southampton gave us some links. Adib is in the early stages of exploring what web observatory data to link with such as business context indicators, social media and  government sites. There was no update 3/29/2018, or 5/3/2018. Any update?


NUST: (Updated 5/3/2018))


UNIMAS (No update 3/8/2018, 5/3/2018)

  • Johari ran into a problem with the Raspberry Pi image creation. Apparently, the image has to be burnt with exactly the same size as the capacity of the micro SSD, and the latter varies. There may not be a solution. Do we give up?
  • Johari is looking at updating the PingER Malaysia website (
  • We have lost both MAs at UNIMAS
    • Johari has been unable to contact Hafiz to get MyREN monitor at UNIMAS ( again. There was a discussion between Johari and Adib. Adib confirms Hafiz is still at MYREN, MYREN are moving locations which may have an impact on some servers and availability of Hafiz.  Adib will try and contact Hafiz.

UAF/GHZU (Updated 5/5/2018))

UAF/GHZU (Updated 5/5/2018))

He has written a very nice He has written a very nice paper on blockchain and its potential use for PingER storage, reviewed by Les and Bebo (also see above under Bebo). Has it been submitted/accepted?


  • See Towards Analysis of ICMP vs TCP Ping Latencies - Umar
    • IPv6 results gathered using script. They are yet to be analyzed

      • Tests complete in less than a day; not many IPv6 addresses

      • About 56 nodes with IPv6 addresses, 14 of which responded with Npings

      • We essentially have a 14-point data set
    • IPv4 results gathered from SLAC. (Repeating Virginia Tech experiments.)
      • Complete batch may be downloaded here (approx. 24 MB)
      • Skimmed results; findings are pretty much the same as before
      • Identified relevant events in the network stack that highlight timing (_RECVFROM, _RECVMSG, _IP_RECV, _NETIF_RX etc.). Looking for instrumentation that enables us to measure timestamps. We also need to figure out how to determine whether ICMP & TCP traffic are treated differently? and then how to measure the difference?
        • perf-tools allows us to measure transport events
        • If we could assume that the path for ICMP & TCP through the network is the same, then the only difference between two (controlled) tests would be the time spent in the transport layers. This can be measured using perftools. 
        • However, such measurements must be made in a controlled environment where ICMP and TCP are treated the same. (I say so because some results — e.g., in East Asia and South Asia — clearly show that ICMP performs much worse than TCP.)
      • We would also need to cater for cross traffic and queuing delays. Given how small the differences are, one may argue that the variations in measurements are due to cross traffic. Perhaps we should start with controlled tests and then see if real world measurements reflect similar behavior.
    • We need to setup a test environment. We can either setup a bare-metal box or use a VM. 
      • I will see if I can arrange for a bare-metal box.

XSS vulnerability in

PingER IPV6 support

  • Les added an item to the form to enable the ability to select IPv4 or IPv6 measurements or both.
