Versions Compared


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  1. News, Quick Updates                                  — All
  2. Detailed MC Truth Information for SVT       — Matt S
    1. GitHub: Issue 222: Add Detailed MC Truth Information
  3. Update on readout system and MC Truth   — Kyle
  4. Questions, Comments, Announcements      — All


Matt Solt - Full Truth:

  • Implemented in Tuple Maker.
  • Driver to match MCParticles.

 Miriam: Does the driver also match the other way around?   Ans: No.

Matt: This is really important and very much needed.

Miriam: How much bigger will the LCIO file get? (Not clear).

Norman: How often are there ambiguities? 


Kyle: (Verbal Update)

The truth data for the ECAL is now in a branch.


Original system would only write out truth data when there was a trigger. For the actual MC data we have truth data for every beam bucket event.

New system can give you the truth data in a time window around the trigger time. Truth data from SVT also in the output (question)

Is this getting ready for production?  – We need to run a sizable amount of MC using both old and new method and then compare the two. The physics output should be the same, but the truth output now contains more information. 

Testing: What are the test criteria?


Miriam: See SLACK software channel: Top Bottom Difference.

Is there a difference for cluster trigger time, compared to single trigger time?

There is a difference for pairs and single0 , but not single1.