Versions Compared


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and the files have names like Cube_<expname>_Run<runnumber>_<cubename><optional _on/off>.h5

h5ls -r on an example file looks like this:

Code Block
/Cfg__epix10ka2m__calib_mask Dataset {16, 352, 384}
/Cfg__epix10ka2m__gain   Dataset {7, 16, 352, 384}
/Cfg__epix10ka2m__ix     Dataset {16, 352, 384}/
Cfg__epix10ka2m__iy     Dataset {16, 352, 384}
/Cfg__epix10ka2m__mask   Dataset {16, 352, 384}
/Cfg__epix10ka2m__ped    Dataset {7, 16, 352, 384}
/Cfg__epix10ka2m__rms    Dataset {7, 16, 352, 384}
/Cfg__epix10ka2m__x      Dataset {16, 352, 384}
/Cfg__epix10ka2m__y      Dataset {16, 352, 384}
/binVar                  Dataset {13}
/binVar_bins             Dataset {13}
/cubeSelection           Dataset {1}
/epix10ka2m              Dataset {13, 16, 352, 384}
/ipm5__sum               Dataset {13}
/nEntries                Dataset {13}
/std_binVar_bins         Dataset {13}
/std_delay               Dataset {13}
/std_ipm5__sum           Dataset {13}



are calibration parameters for a detector. This will be added whenever detector data from the big xtc file is added.

/nEntries is somewhat self-explanatory

/binVar_bins are the bin boundaries for the binning variable.

/std__<varname> are the std calculated from all data points in the bin.

/ipm5__sum and /epix10ka2m are the main data: ipm5__sum is from the smalldata and in this case can be used for normalization of the incoming beam intensity. epix10ka2m is the full data for the epix10ka2m detector.

cubeSelection is a dataset stored for its attribute which is the text of the selection criteria used for the creating of this cube.

Advanced options (in progress)

Multi-dimensional binning
